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[in pencil - top right corner]:39

[in pencil - top of page] Richard Benfield

[in pencil - top of page] John Rees

Isaac Venn Sworn States - I am a Special Constable - I

was on Duty on Monday Morning last in this House (the

Westgate Inn) I was placed at the entrance door by the Mayor as

Door Keeper before the attack commenced I think it was between
eight and nine o'Clock when the attack commenced - it may

have been later - it was between Eight and ten - a mob of people
marched armed with Guns, pikes, and other weapons - they
marched four abreast and a man with a Gun to each four

as far as I could judge no person from this house molested or
attacked them - about Eight or nine proceeded up to the door

four abreast and one came up and spoke to me with a Gun in

his hand - I rose up my stick to him and said "in here you

shall not come" he said "you have our Prisoners and we will

have them out." I believe that man was shot and is one of

those who are now lying dead in the stable - with that they

fired and all rushed in those before and those behind - into the

place was quite full - they fired right in through the passage

the passage was quite full of them - they that were in continued

breaking the Glass and proceeding towards the Bar and two of

the Chartists were shot by their men from outside - they were

firing outside all the while - I thought within myself I would

make my escape as soon as they would cease firing - they were

breaking of every thing in the house they could come to - they

ceased firing into the passage from outside and I made my

escape then to go into the yard behind the house and there was a

man then shot as I was passing the passage - I think he

must have been shot by one of the Soldiers - I remained in the

yard for the space of fire or six minutes - I then returned into

the House and got up stairs - the firing ceased altogether ^ I then saw them that was wounded and assisted them - Altogether I think

the affray continued from ten to fifteen minutes - I was too

much agitated to know particularly the time - It was a very

dangerous situation I was in - I saw in that time five dead

in the passage and one dead in the door way - I did not hear

them say any thing to each other, they continued doing all

the mischief they could - some breaking the pitchers - some

breaking the Glass - I know the two Prisoners - their names

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