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[Top right corner]:55

Moses Scard sworn states -I am police officer at
Newport - I remember seeing the Prisoner on monday morning last in the

street opposite the Catholic Chapel in this town near the Westgate Inn

about 200 yards from the Westgate Inn - it was then between 10 and 11

o'Clock - I cant tell the exact time - it was some time after the mob were

repulsed by the Military at the Westgate Inn - he was in a house about

two hundred yards off - there was another man in the house he was sitting

down - nothing passed between me and him - I went into the house to see

for arms - I believe I asked him what he did there he said he came there

because he was afraid of the mob - at that time the mob had all disappeared

under a table near where he was I found this instrument - I took -
possession of it - I asked the prisoner whether it was his he said it was not

his - it has been in my possession ever since - nothing further passed between

the prisoner and me - I saw the Prisoner in a House in Bakehouse Lane

opposite the Catholic Chapel - he was sitting on a Chair when I went in

I don't know whose house it was - Perhaps I may have seen the man of the

house before - it was between ten and eleven o'Clock when I saw the

Prisoner in the house there was one man in the house besides the prisoner

I was looking for arms in all the houses of the street - though I am not

certain of the name of the street - I know it to be the street nearly
opposite the Catholic Chapel on Stow Hill- it was about an hour after

the mob were repulsed by the Military it was next door to a house where

a man was lying with his arm shot - I am stationed at Pill I live

at Pill - I don't do duty at Newport - I know my way at Newport as

well as I do at Pill - I dont know the names of all the streets

Moses Scard

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