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Monmouthshire (to wit) The Jurors for our Sovereign Lady the Queen upon their Oath present
that Griffith Evans late of the parish of Saint Woollos in the County of Monmouth Labourer
heretofore to wit on the fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
thirty nine and on divers other days and times between that day and the taking of this Inquisition with
force and arms to wit at the parish of in the County of aforesaid unlawfully and
seditiously did conspire confederate and agree with divers other persons
whose names are to the Jurors unknown to raise and make insurrections riots routs and seditions
and unlawful assemblies within this Realm and to obstruct the laws and government of this
Realm and to oppose and prevent their due execution and to procure and obtain arms for
the more effectually carrying into effect their said Conspiracy Confederacy and agreement
and in furtherance of their said conspiracy confederacy and agreement the said Grifffith
Evans during the time aforesaid to wit on the third day of November in the year aforesaid
with force and ams to wit at the parish of aforesaid in the County aforesaid
together with divers other persons to the said Jurors uknown the number of two thousand
and more unlawfully seditiously riotously and routously did assemble and meet together
some with Guns pistols pikes swords scythes sticks stones and other weapons of offence
and remained and continued so unlawfully and seditiously assembled and met together
armed as aforesaid for a long space of time to wit for the space of forty eight hours then
next following and during that time made a great riot rout and unlawful assembly
and during the time last aforesaid attacked and broke open divers Dwellinghouses
of divers liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen in the County aforesaid and
beat bruised wounded imprisoned and illtreated divers of the liege subjects of our said
Lady the Queen then and there being in the County aforesaid and seized and took by
force from the said last mentioned subjects and other subjects of our said Lady the
Queen then and there being in the County aforesaid divers quantities of arms to wit
one hundred Guns one hundred Pistols and one hundred Swords and therewith then
and there unlawfully and seditiously further armed themselves against the peace of
our said Lady the Queen her Crown and Dignity And the Jurors aforesaid upon
their Oath aforesaid do further present that the said Thomas Davies heretofore to wit on
the first day of October in the year aforesaid and on divers other days and times between
that day and the taking of this Inquisition with force and arms to wit at the
parish of aforesaid in the County aforesaid did unlawfully conspire
confederate and agree with divers other persons to the Jurors unknown to raise and
make insurrections tumults riots routs and unlawful assemblies within this
Realm and to obstruct the due execution of the Laws and government of this Realm
against the peace of our said Lady the Queen her Crown and Dignity

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D.4.122 [foot of page]

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