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County of Monmouth - to wit - The Information & complaint
of George Hitchings of the parish of Bedwellty in the
County of Monmouth taken before us Samuel Homfray
and Summers Harford Esquires two of Her Majesty's Justice's
of the peace in and for the said County on the 13th
day of November in the year of our Lord 1839 who upon
oath says:
That on Sunday night the 3rd inst. about nine
o'clock I was threatened and taken out of my house at
Ebbw Vale in the said County by several persons who
were not armed - they took me down to the road by the
Gate at the Ebbw Vale forge - I saw several persons
who were armed with pikes they made me go with them
I did not know any of them , they took me to Aberbeeg
which is 4 or 5 miles down the tram road leading to
Newport - I there went to a public house and saw the
prisoner Thomas Davies who was armed with a pike -
There were several others also armed - there were no guns as
I saw - prisoner did not say any thing to me but the
prisoner was among the people who were driving me and
others out of the house saying that we must be down
by 2 o'clock but did not say where - we were all forced
out of the house and went down the road toward Newport
as far as Abercarne - I saw pris.r at Abercarne and
shortly after left them on the tram Road and made my
way to the Turnpike Road for the purpose of escaping -
I went on the Turnpike road towards my home and saw
a light and saw some persons coming towards me, the
prisoner was one of them,he was then armed with a pike
there were 9 or 10 people with him but only one besides
prisoner armed one of the men said "roll up" I told
him I would not any further - prisoner then came
towards me with his pike pointed towards me - I moved
out of the way for fear of the pike reaching me
It was very dark, they all passed on and left me
behind - I saw nothing more of them Sd by Pris.r - I

[at foot]

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