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Page 1:
[top right corner] 112
Regina. v. Thomas Davis

George Hitchins - I am a Roll-Turner and
live at Ebbw vale - I am a House Keeper -
On Sunday night the third November
last some men armed with pikes came to
my House and took me out against my
Will - I do not know any of them - I
went with them down the Road towards
Newport - I tried to make my escape
at Pont Aberbeeg - I went Into a public
House at Pont Aberbeeg called the Hanbury
Inn kept by [blank] Leonard - I saw
Thomas Davis there - he had a pike in
his hand - There were a great many
more there whom I do not know - we
were ordered out of the House - and I heard
some of the men say that ^ # we were all
bound to be in Newport by two o'Clock
in the morning - I went from this place
down lower with a body of people until
I came down to Newbridge - Before we
reached Newbridge, we stopped at the
Union Foundry public House kept by
[blank] Edwards about a mile below
Pont Aberbeeg - I saw Thomas Davis
in this House - he had the same
pike in his hand - from there we

[in top left margin]
(Parish Bedwellty)

[agst lines 12-13, 24
vertical marks in emphasis]-

Page 2:
went down the Road to Newbridge - Thomas
Davis was there - we stopped a little while
at Newbridge Inn - there were a great many
people there - Nearly all armed - Davis
still had his pike - I heard Thomas
Davis order the men out of the House -
and to go to Newport - We went out of this
House down the Tram Road to Abercarne -
I then, with others, ran away from the
Tram Road to the Turnpike Road - We
met another gang coming down
the Turnpike Road - Thomas Davis was with
them - I heard him say to us "Roll
up" - I said to him "I will not Roll up
no more - I have Rolled up enough - "
I went up to a Man named Arthur Davis
(who was with Thomas Davies' party)
surveyor ^- living with John Daniel
Greyhound Abercarne - and asked
him if he could tell me where I could
get a little beer and dry myself - He
said there was a House - John Daniels -
open - a little above, which they had
newly broke open - I understood from
Arthur Davis that it was Thomas Davis
and his gang had broken open John
Daniel's House - I heard Thomas

[with vertical marks in emphasis
agst lines 6,14-16,25-26]

Page 3:
Davis say to Arthur Davis " I didn`t do
it" and ^ then rushed at me with his pike to
stab me - I turned one side and Thomas
Davis passed by me - I did not see
him afterwards - I went up to John
Daniells' House with Arthur Davis and
stopped there until day light when I
returned home - Arthur Davis and
John Daniells's Wife can speak a
great deal more than I can
respecting Thomas Davis -
_________________ George Hitchings

[with vertical lines
in emphasis agst lines 1-2
top left margin]

Page 4:
[across 2nd paper fold]
[with ticks in pencil and red ink
and ? H alongside]

Thomas Davis

George Hitchins

Ebbw Vale
[in red ink]

Cop[ie]d JR
[in pencil]

[at foot]

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