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[top r. corner] 116
John Holman Evans sworn and Examined
by Mr Phelps - I am an attorney and examined the
Witness Harris yesterday - he appeared to be
perfectly sober and fully to understand his Exam-on
I took down what he said in writing and the writing
produced is that which I took down - I read over
the paper after taking it down - as I proceeded in
reading the paper to him I frequently asked him if
that was true or words to that effect and he not
require any alteration -
The Deposition was then put in and read - It
stated that he had heard Davis say while he was
standing outside the Door with Frost "There is enough
of you to eat Newport" and also "Go on don't be
afraid" He also stated that he saw a man on a
Horse near the Welsh Oak who said "Why do you
not come on further" and that "half the Soldiers
were gone to Abergavenny"
Mr. Hall Cross Exam.d Witness - I am not come down
here for the purpose of assisting Mr Phelps in getting
up these cases but I have so assisted him - the
Witness when I Examined him appeared to be sober -
I would not examine him if I thought he was drunk
Whether I would examine him or not if I knew he
had been drinking would depend on the quantity I
knew him to have taken -
Re-examined by Mr. Phelps - I examined witness
twice and each time told the same story -

Thomas M Llewellyn sworn & examined
by Mr Mr.Phelps said: I examined the Witness Harris
on Monday or Tuesday night last at Blackwood
I took his Examination in writing and the paper

[at foot]

[bottom right Newport Museum and Art Gallery stamp]

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