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[top r. corner] 121
Since my discharge - I have gained my livelihood in this
Country by grinding scissors &c I first gave evidence against
William Davies on Saturday three weeks - I have been five
times examined against six or seven parties - I've not been
at Davies' since last Christmas - I think that I spoke to
the prisoner during the year 1838 - I have attended four
Chartist meetings - On my fourth attendance I got a
Card - I paid two pence each time of my attendance
I cannot say that I have seen the prisoner at the
meetings - The person on horseback was not armed -
I was taken as a witness for her Majesty Queen Victoria -
the officer told me that I should tell the truth - there
is no use of telling a lie - I was told that if I
informed who was there on Sunday night I should be
taken as a Witness -
Re-examined by Mr. Phelps - The Horse was longer
than a pony - when I was examined I was to state
all I knew and what I did state was true -

Mary George Sworn and examined by Mr. Phelps
I am wife of Henry George the proprietor of the George
Inn Blackwood which is about a mile distant from the
Coach & Horses - On the 3rd Novr. a great number of
men passed my house - I know the Prisoner - I saw
him that afternoon about four o'clock - he was coming
from the direction of the Coach & Horses - he was walking
rather fast - he had on his arm a light drab colored
cloak - the people continued passing my house all the
day - more than two or three hundred persons might
_____past it
have gone^ to and fro - On Monday I saw the prisoner
on horseback - there were women near him who said
to him "Turn-coat you drive the men to the Slaughter
house and keep off yourself" This was about two
o'clock when the people turned back from Newport - I

[at foot]

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