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Page 1:

Mary Ferreday Widow of Wm
Ferreday worked with Thos Pointing
under Thos Prothero Esq at the Fleur
de luce Colliery in the the Rhymney
Valley. I live at Blackwood
opposite the Lamb & Flag Beer House
My Husband was sitting in his House
with me & the Children on Sunday
Evening the 3rd Novr Inst about 1/2
past 6 in the Evening. When two
Men came in and said Be your
coming Bill. He said Where? they
said with us they went to the
Door and whispered together then
I said^ Where you are going
He said I do not know. The Lord
knows when I shall be back -
and kissing the Children went
away. I cried aloud and the
Children as well. Some of them
went out after him & he kissed
them again in the Road and said
goodbye and went away with
the Men. One of the Men I have^ told
______________at Tredegar
was David Morgan & used to
live at the Argoed & lives now at Tredegar

Page 2:
the other man I did not know I used
to quarrel on Mondays with
my Husband about his going to
the Chartists Clubs at Coach & Horses
at Blackwood. I was known to be
agst the Chartists. The woman^ used to
mob me because I wod not join them
& called me Tory & abused me
when ever I met them. I went
to the Street last Tuesday last thinking
my Husband was killed because
__and said Oh the ...Chartists Oh my Husband
__you used to cry Chartists for ever now what will become of me
He Did not come home ^ the Women
said Mary Ferreday they would
fight with our Husbands for the
Chartists unto death. My Husband
used to go to the Chartist meetings
at the Coach & Horses. They used
to divide into parties of 10 & had
a man as a leader over them.
They used to hold chartists meetings
at the Greyhound Inn. I know
John Frost he used to send me
__(a neighbours Wife Mrs Thomas the Tailor)
his Shirts to me ^ to wash weekly
she used to tell me Frost used to send
6d with them I used to say
to my neighbours the poor people
work hard for the 6d. I saw Frost

Page 3:
and his little Boy Leading the Chartists
when they met at Duke Town sometime
Since. My husband could not read or write
I remember his once having a Card which
was called for by a man who took it away
& promised to send an-other but I never
saw another. On the Sunday I speak
of my Husband came home about
1/2 p 3 O'clock I had kept Dinner for
him some mutton broth boiled
Mutton and Bacon. He drank the
Broth and asked me to have some
Mutton I was alarmed at the
conduct of my Husband which
was unusually quiet. I said No
__It is serious times ... it is must come to a point
Bill. He said ^ as we are separated
in / ___ / we may be separated
__He used to be of a very rough Man in his manner &
__language his quietness frightened me
for ever ^ I begged him to tell
me what was going to happen
but he would not - and then
the men came in as I before state[d]
I have recently ^been put to bed ...
have come down before to see
for my Husband I was told yesterday
by W... Strickland [*] that my Husband
was dead in the stable at the Westgate
Inn Newport I have seen a Coat &
________& Red Cravat
... Waistcoat ^ which I swear to as
my Husbands from a piece ...
__some grey yarn in the cravat
of the Coat also [^]
_______________________The mark of X
______________________________Mary Ferreday

[* see Discussion/Notes below]
/____/ ---

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[across 2nd fold of page]
Exam-on [*] of

Mary Ferraday

as to - one of the
killed -

[at foot]

[* overwritten with X]

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