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Page 1:
did not know, and he smiled as if it was of no consequence
I asked him if he was not satisfied with one wooden leg, as that
was the means by his coming down to Newport to get two. I don't
know as he made any answer - I wished him good morning he
was walking a regular pace, there was a great many of all de-
-scriptions passing to and fro all day - I can't rightly tell
what he had on, I think it was a plum coloured jacket
I believe it was a dark coloured Jacket the same I saw on him
this morning - I am partly sure it had no skirts to it , and
that it was a round Jacket - When I said some of them
carried muskets , I meant Guns of all descriptions - the distance
from the Park Machine to Newport is about two miles as nearly as I can tell -
____________________Thomas Evans
Edward Pillinger being duly cautioned and called upon
for his defence states - I don't
know anything at all-
__________________The Mark X of Edward Pillinger
Page 2:
The Queen
Edward Pillinger
Depositions of Witnesses
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