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Engineer was another He is employed
at the Bryn Colliery. I saw them
take the men out of their houses
by force. This was between
the full Moon and Risca Bridge
where there is a Brick Yard and a Row
of Houses. They broke open the Doors of
all those houses and forced the men
out. They then went to a Row of
Houses opposite the Brickyard and on
the left hand side of the Tram Road they
broke open all those Houses. There was
there a poor Widow's House and a little
Boy. They took the Boy by his Shirt - He
cried out - I remonstrated with them &
told them not to take the boy from the
poor Woman he was betn13 & 14 yrs of age
They knocked at the Shop by Risca Bridge
& we passed over the Bridge they entered
both the public Houses and searched
for Arms. Not finding any Arms
they compelled the woman of the
House to give them Beer and


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and Gin - the Woman said she shod
be fined they said they did not care
a Damn - In front of the House
by the bridge there was a pile
of Mandril Handles they distributed
them amongst the mob. Henry
Harris gave me one. Harris carried
a Pike. When they were searching
the House at Risca Young Mr
Davies the son of Roger Davies of Blackwood
came up on Horseback from the direction
of Newport. He sd. come my lads Hurrah
my lads. You ought to have been down
at Newport at 12 O clock. Mr Frost
is awaiting for you the men said
to him what are we to do we have
got no Arms. Young Davies said
there is plenty of Arms & Ammunition
for you at Newport. We want
you get down before the Whigs
and Tories come about that
that they shall not know where

[in left margin]

a Pike


on Horseback

from dir-on of

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the Arms and Ammunition came
from - Young Davies then returned
with us and went with us as
far as the Welsh Oak which is
a new House adj-g the Tram Road
and Turnpike road - the Tram Road
at that point crosses the Turnpike
Road. I can't say whether young
Davies had anything with him
it was very dark - it was after
12 o clock. At the Welsh Oak I saw
Mr John Frost. He there released
a respectable looking Gentleman
he went away as fast as he
could go I was about 5 or 6 yards
from Mr Frost when he
released the Gentleman. I saw that
Mr Frost was speaking roughish
I cod. not hear what he said. I saw
him making motions with
his hands. Candles were lighted
I had seen Frost before in Newport as
a Magistrate & I had seen him at the Greyhound

[in l. margin]
John Frost

Mr Brough

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I was acquainted with his person
When I am speaking of the Greyhound
I mean Wm Edmund's I had also
seen him at a meeting at the
Coach & Horses in Blackwood
I saw Frost and heard him speak
at a great Meeting of Chartists at
Dukes Town where Mr Homfray a
Magistrate was requested to take the
Chair. And the Chair was taken by
Dr Price. Two if not 3 Guns were
fired at the Welsh Oak . When
we were at the Welsh Oak the
Blaina Men came up they were
recd. with Cheers & firing. When the respectable
Gent was released by Mr Frost he went
away in the direction of Twyn Burlam
It was at the Oak I first saw John Frost
The Gent who was reled was from Pontypool
& I think his name was Mr Brough
I saw at the Welsh Oak Mr
Frost , Young Davies on Horseback
a Man of the name of Williams

[in left margin]
Wm Edmunds


John Frost


Mr Brough


Young Davies

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