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Reg[in]a v[ersu]s David the Tinker
The Information of
Mary Thomas spinster abiding with her
Father David Thomas of Newbridge
in the parish of Moneythusloyne
in the County of Monmouth Publican. I remember Sunday 3rd Nov[ember]
men began to come to my
house about half past 8
o'clock in the evening I
went to bed about 10 the
party who had come at 8
had left There was knocking
at the door for some time
we got up about
1 o'clock. Those outside said
if we didn't get up they
wo[ul]d break into the house
when I came down the House
was full of men amongst
them was David Jones commonly
known as David the Tinker
I have known him these

[bottom left hand margin:- 11]

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A Stamp mark showing Newport Public Reference Libraries

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10 years I cannot say
how he was dressed. He had a Gun
in his Hand whether single or double
I cannot say Mary Williams
the servant saw him as
well. He came into the
Bar and p[ai]d me for a jug of Beer
He asked for some Bread and
Cheese. I heard several say
when David Jones was
present they were going
to Newport They had spears
guns & mandrills & different
things the first party that
came to the door said they
came from Dowlais It
was a very wet night
David Jones asked
me how I was I said pretty
well I asked him how
his wife was he said

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worse than she had been before
When he had the Bread and Cheese
he said it may be the last
he might ever want. One
of the party who first came spoke
to me I did not know him
he said they had begun the wrong
way. My mother said she thought
they had particularly on a Sunday
night He said oh not that they
ought to have brought down Will
Homan and W[illia]mDavies
(Will commonly called Will
Caption`s) Heads upon
spears. David [the tinker] stopped
about half an hour
and then he went out with
the rest.
[on left half of page:-]
Taken on Oath before }
us this 7 day of December }
1839 } [to the right] Mary Thomas

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Reg[in]a v[ersu]s David
Jones al[ia]s
David the Tinker

[there is a large X struck thru the following:-]
of Mary Thomas

[at foot of page:-]662

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