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The Information of
David Evans - I am a haulier - I work
for Messrs Allfrey Brewers - On Sunday
the third November instant I lodged in

[left margin/ deleted word]

the House of John Lewis a Block layer
living near the Pottery - I came up
into Newport about half past five o'Clock
in the Evening - I remained in Town
from Eight to half past Eight when
I returned home - When I got home
I found John Lewis, his wife and
Jonathan Palmer's Wife in my
Room - Lewis was resting his head
upon his hand and appeared to be
very downhearted - I asked him
what was the matter - He hesitated
and then said "Oh dear the night is
come - for goodness sake don't say
nothing against the Chartists" - I
laughed at him and said "that's
nonsense" - he held his hand up to
me and left the Room with his
Wife - I got my victuals
out from the Cupboard and put it
upon the table- He Lewis

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returned in about ten minutes - & we
were left together - Another Man whom
I only Knew by the name of William

[in left hand margin]
came into the Room - I saw some
balls in hand - leaden balls - He
divided the balls between himself and
Lewis - and said as he gave them to
him "here they be" or something like
that - Lewis took them - and ^ they loaded
a Gun apiece - they put one ball
in each Gun - I believe this man's name was

[in left hand margin]

William Jewel - he was a Stone
Mason and worked at the Dock
and Slept with me - The two
Guns ^ were put down then on
one Side of the Room - with
that Lewis went out and returned
in about a minute - Jonathan
Palmer came into the Room a
young woman, Mary Bragg, was
her Maiden Name but she is
married now - I can't tell her
name now - When Palmer
came in he brought a Bible in
in his hand - There were Several
Men in the Room as well as

[in left hand margin]
Mrs Wall

Page 3:
me but I didn't know them - He
came up to me and said "Here Davey"
(giving me the Book) its merely matter
of form for you to swear but you
do it not to ^ be bribed - He then took
it to the young woman - We both
Kiss'd the Book - They then left
the Room - before this some one
in the Room said come tis time
to go - Others replied its time
enough - Palmer said to me
"We honor old age - you and
Bragg shall stop in the House -
When they went out William Jewel
and John Lewis had their Guns in
their hands - I remained
in the House with Bragg, his
Wife and Daughter and Jonathan
Palmer's Wife all night - I went
to bed about two or three o'Clock
I saw Powder in the Room as
well as balls - Jewell brought in
the powder as well as the Balls -
I saw John Lewis and William Jewell
about 1/2 6 o'Clock - on the following

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Monday Morning - their Stockings
were very wet - as though they
had been out all night - Jewel
asked me if I wasn't going to get up
I said "yes in a few Minutes" I got
up in the course of ten minutes or
a quarter of an hour and I said
to William "Where have you been"
William said "don't know
hardly where I have been - I
said "What have you been doing out
all night" He said "I have been
doing nothing - the Company didn't
meet" - The mark of
X David Evans
John Rogers

When Jonathan Palmer went
out of the House he had a
pike in his Hand
The mark of
X David Evans

The above Information was
taken on Oath before us her
Majestys Justices of the Peace
for the Boro'of Newport in the
County of Monmouth this
22nd day of November 1839
Thos Hawkin
W Brewer

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