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Page 1:
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Thomas Llewellin
For conspiring on 1st October and other days
at Saint Woollos with other persons to make
insurrections &c and obstruct the Laws and prevent
their due execution- That Prisoner on 1st Nov[embe]r
in furtherance of said conspiracy did advise and
persuade divers persons to arm themselves for the
purpose of more effectually obstructing the Laws
and making insurretions &c against the peace &c

2nd Count That prisoner with others did conspire to raise
insurrections &c and obstruct the due execution
of the Law.

3rd Count For a Riot.

John Hughes [tick]
Lewis Lewis [tick]
Moses Scard [tick]
Isaac Ven [tick]

Page 2:


Thomas Llewellin

Briefed -

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