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Page 1:
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Lewis Lewis ^- A Welshman- I am a Collier - I live
at Fleur de Leus [Lis] - I am in the
employ of Rosser Thomas as an
overlooker of the Men - I was
at the House of John Hughes on
Sunday the 3rd November instant
about 6 o'clock in the Evening- I left
it about 1/2 past 6 - John Hughes was
in the House - I was compelled to go
with the Chartists- I went with them
to the top of Stow Hill - We
stopped in the Park on our way
down - I there saw the
Prisoner Thomas Llewellin
there - He had a Mandrell
on his shoulder- The men
were armed.
They went down
Stow Hill-

Page 2:


Thomas Llewellin

[the above has a large X struck thru it]

of Lewis Lewis-

/A Welshman &

Fleur de lis

[at foot] 525-

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