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Page 1:
[top right margin:-]15
Regina v[ersus] Thomas Llewellin
[indented left margin] Moses Scard
-[main text] I am a Police man -
On Monday the night last about 12 or
1 o'clock I went to the House of
the Prisoner from information I
had received for the purpose of
searching it- The Prisoner lived
in Fleur de Lieus - near the
Colliery- I found a man
in the House apparently a Collier -
I told him I wanted Thomas Llewellin
He rose up - and said "I
heard you were coming for me
and so I'm waiting for he [thee] " - I
saw a mandrell near him-
The mandrell now produced
is the same that I found in
the House - I also found a
paper there - which I now
produced- It is printed in
welsh - I do not understand
the Welsh Language - I asked
him whether Mr. Frost was up
there on the 2nd November instant
He told us he was - that he
met them on that night at the
Coach and Horses near the
Prisoner's House - that Frost
made a speech to the effect that

Page 2:
that the people were controuled by a bad
Government- they were paying a great
deal more taxes than they ought to -
and that he hoped the day he should
go to Newport he should have
20,000 men following him - that he
was sure he should have 10,000
and that the Gentlemen they were
under should be brought there
and put in the dungeon to work where
they were- and ^ be made to work for the
same wages and pay the same
taxes as they did and see how they'd
like it - Prisoner then said he
was took out of his Bed Sunday
night and was forced to come to
[signed] ____________Moses Scard

I saw the Prisr in the Mob
before the Westgate Inn
Monday 3rd Nov[embe]r. He had
on the same Cloaths on
as he has now. I remarked
his / .../[*] very particular/ /y

[ * unclear ... possibly: ??remarked his pose]

Page 3:
He had a gun in his right hand
which he held up his gun
& shook his Head at me
I swear he is the same
man I have no doubt
of it.

Page 4:
X Newport

Regina v Thomas
& Jno Frost

Examination of
Moses Scard

[at foot] 624

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