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Page 1:
[top right hand margin:-]19
Evan Harris - I am a Collier - I live at
the Kendal Colliery - I went from my
House about half past five o'clock on
Sunday the 3rd November instant-
to attend ^service at a Baptist Chapel. I attended
the service & afterwards went home with some others
who had attended service also - I had
some bread & cheese - sat up about half an hour and
then went to bed- My wife had gone to a Neighbour's
House- Not many minutes after I had been in bed
I heard a great noise of men coming down the
road- The door was unlocked at the time as
my wife was out- The men came into the house-
In a minute it was full- Some of them called
out "halloo" and my child that was in bed
beside me cried- I supposed they heard her for
^ two or three then came into my Bedroom - The
first man that came into the ^ Bedroom had a long
pike & the other had a cutlass or some sort of
Sword ^ I do not know them - The first man said "Rise up my man
in a minute" & then I came into my kitchen in
my shirt & carried some of my clothes with me
_________It was 10 minutes to 10 by my clock
& dressed myself there ^ -- My kitchen was nearly full

Page 2:
Most of them had something in their hands - Some
had sticks- one had a pruning wire - I do not recollect
seeing a gun- I only know one man amongst them
his name is David Lloyd he was a Collier &
now keeps a public House at the Argoed - I cannot tell
whether he had any thing in his hand or not he was stooping
down near the fire- They took me away against my
will- I went for fear of my life - I went to Newbridge about
a mile & 3/4 with them ( before I ran away - There
were a great many people at Newbridge collected chiefly
in front of the blacksmith's shop there - I escaped
up the old road leading to Cross Penmain & walked home
it might be about 12 when I got home - I got up
about 8 or 9 o'clock the next morning I went to Abercarne with
Billy Davies a Shoemaker & had some Beer - about
2 or 3 o'clock I saw a great many people returning
they appeared very frightened - I then went home-
________________The mark X
__________________ ofEvan Harris

Page 3:
Reg[ina] vs David Lloyd

Depo: Evan Harris
[There is a large X thru the above]

[upside down near bottom margin:-] 15-11

[centre bottom margin:-] 448 [written in place of the nunbers ?339 359 that are faint underneath]

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