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Daniel Evans sworn - I am a Shopkeeper and Taylor residing
in Newport - I live near the Westgate Inn the next door to Henry Evans the
last witness - I was at home on the morning of Monday last- between
9 & 10 o'Clock on Monday morning I saw a great number of armed
persons coming in front of the Westgate Inn from the direction of Stow
Hill - I stood on my door and could not see up Stow Hill when they
turned round the corner they appeared to be on marching order five or six
abreast - All that I saw to the best of my knowledge were armed - I saw
no person that was not armed- The first man in front had a drawn -
sword in one hand and his hat in the other - he had a handkerchief
tied round his middle - he was dressed in Blue Clothes - some had
Guns others had Spikes fixed to the top of Sticks - they were all weapons
well calculated for offence and defence - I should not like to be touched
with any of them - the man waived his sword in one hand and waived
his hat in the other - he went nearly up to the Westgate Yard gate -
he did not try the Gates - when he saw the Gates were shut he turned back
towards the door - the space in front of the Inn was then quite full -
from one end to the other - he retreated the mob back again - he was
speaking as he went along - the mob followed him - I know John
Lovell I see him now - I am well acquainted with the Prisoner John
Lovell - I saw him amongst the rest - he was armed with a Gun - I can't
say whether it was a single barrel or a double barrel - he appeared to be active
I did not observe the person with the Sword and his hat in his hand address
Lovell in particular - I stood on my own door with the nob [knob] of my own
door in my hand - I was then from fifteen to twenty yards from the mob-
The mob was returning towards the entrance of the Inn- Lovell came round
the corner of the house next Stow Hill and addressing himself to the most said
"In my men" - I heard those words distinctly - After he said that the mob
instantly went up the steps and attacked the House - the front door was immediately
forced in - the words were said in a loud voice - there had not been any
firing previous to that- As they came on the door the mob immediately fired
- There had been no firing from the Interior of the house or any other place
before the house was charged by the mob or before the house was entered by the mob
and the mob fired - previous to the firing by the mob the lower part of the shutters
were closed, leaving a light from above - but no person outside could see

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