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Reg[in]a v[ersus] John Lovell
William Jenkins of Newport Grocer and Parish
Clerk of Saint Woollos - I am special Constable - on Monday
morning the 4th November I was at the Westgate Hotel - About
nine o'Clock I saw a large number of men armed with various
weapons turn round the corner of the bottom of Stow Hill and come
in front of the Westgate Inn - I know John Lovell well - I saw
him amongst them - There were about 30 or 40 before him - he
had a gun in his hand which he held sometimes in a threatening
manner but not exactly presenting it - I was looking at the mob
from the window of the Coffee room - He was nearly opposite the
front door when I saw him - immediately afterwards I heard the
firing and left the window and retired to a safer part of the room
I should think the firing continued from 10 to 15 minutes - One
spear was thrust through the window and one ball went into the
ceiling - as soon as the firing was over I went into the passage
over five dead bodies and went to my own house opposite.
__________________ (signed) W[illia]m Jenkins

Page 2:


John Lovell

Examination of
William Jenkins

[at foot]

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