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that night, its too late- He said them did know there as
well as them did know here, and I told him they did
not know when - I started that morning at 6 o'Clock as
Zephaniah Williams and Jones of Pontypool had been there
making speech the Thursday before - When I said I was
going up the Hills, he said there would be no work and
I had better not go. I saw him on Sunday the 3rd which
was the day after, he then called upon me, it was eleven
O'Clock at night- I was not in Bed - He told me he
he was a Captain over ten men, he said I was his man, I
must come along with him - I said I had nothing to -
protect myself - I had a Pipe in my Hand smoking -
he said you must bring that with you, I said it was no
use for me to bring that with me, he did not then in the
House say where he was going. Out of the House he
said we were going the other side of Newport Bridge -
The first thing he said was, that he was going to take -
Parson Roberts and all his family to the Town - I asked
him what was that for and then he said confine
them in the Town in the Clock House , or where he could
he was to take all the Servants and all, and then he said
he had other orders from Waters a Secretary or what
they call him in Town, and then he was ordered to take
a Warehouse [Crossfield's] that Mr Crossfield has got where there was
a great deal of Powder- I said to him the Powder
used to be down at Pill in the Powder House , but that there
was none there then- He said as Frost and his men
thousands and thousands were coming down that morning
they was coming to the Stow to attack the Soldiers to the
Poor House - he said it would be a Charter Law before
day light and they would take the whole Town and through
the whole Kingdom - he said Frost and his men were
to attack the Soldiers, the prisoner and his men was to do
nothing but to protect that Warehouse where the powder was
of Mr Crossfield s and to keep it for the Chartists - He said
Frost and his men were to come down at 2 o'Clock in the morning

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