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of Monday the 4th November - I went with the prisoner -
the other side of the [Newport] Bridge into a Field between the Chepstow
and Caerleon Road - he said I should have plenty of
ammunition when Frost came down - when I got into the -
field the Captain, I mean Jenkin Morgan, and his men was
standing there and I too - we was there about 12 on Sunday
night I suppose - He said it was thro Ireland, Scotland
and everywhere at the same moment- he said the Charter will
the Law of the Land after that night, and every man -
have joined with them and did not come, them would be the
first men that would be Killed by them - he said if I was
to meet anyone on the Road I was to say "Beans" and if it
was a friend of the Chartists he was to say "Well" , I saw -
nothing more there on the field - if the person we met did
not say "Well" we was to do what we liked with that person
he was no friend to us- after they had attacked the Soldiers
they was to take their arms from them and if they would -
not give them up in a peaceable time, they were to Kill
them all - If they beat the Soldiers they was to to Rule this Town
themselves and no one else- He told me what Signal
Frost was to give when he came to the Stow - the Signal
was to be his throwing Crackers and powder up in the air - as
soon as he see that, he, the prisoner, and his men was to go
on his duty and not before - I think I staid in the field till
about 3 o'Clock in the morning - I and another man made
our escape, and I went home and went to Bed - it was rain[ing]
very bad and very dark, I was wet to my Skin all - next
morning they called me out of my Bed and said there was --
thousands and thousands of the Colliers coming down, it was
then I think about 8 o'Clock - I got up - a man that was working
on the Dock who called me up, I should know^ him again if I see
him- I got up and went straight along the Tram Road -
towards the Courty Bella Machine - I did see hundreds and
thousands running for their lives, they were running from the
Salutation and from Newport, I had heard no firing before
then- I was in Bed, I did not hear any firing at all--

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