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I saw Mr. Frost there running away by Court y Bella Machine
I remember a person taking the Chair at Dukes Town they call
him Price the Doctor from Newbridge - I can't be sure I know
any of the men I saw in the field the other side of the Bridge -
I heard them call the Captain, the Captain answered all
along- The prisoner Jenkin Morgan was the Captain ---
I don't know John Lewis of Pill a Block layer - I know
a labourer at Pill of the name of John Lewis he is called "Jack
y Scwlpin" - I can't say whether I saw him on Sunday night
or not- I know Pine's Row very well - John Lewis or Jack y
Scwlpin does not live at Pine's Row- I don't know ^ well where he
lives - The prisoner on that night had a pike in his hand -
it was more than a foot in length, it was on a piece like a
Mop Stick-- it was a pike and something across it - one end
went into the Stick- with that he was going to take the -
Warehouse with the Powder, some of the men in the field had
arms and some were without arms they had the sort of
Arms- One had a square stick like a Constable's Stick only
it was square- I saw another man with a couple of Bullets,
and I asked him what he was going to do with them, he said
he would have plenty of Arms just now we were to stand
in the field until we had a Signal from Frost - The prisoner
said some of the Chartists were to come by the Stow way and
some by the Waterloo way, he said they were also to come
from Pontypool and Caerleon - he said they were to be there
at two o'Clock in the morning - I know a man of the name
of Etheridge very well I did not hear his name mentioned-
The man with the Bullett was one of the party with us in the
field the other side of the Bridge, he was with us there--
The prisoner said^ that Frost and his men were to break into --
Mr Edwards House up by the Poor House , as well as into
the Poor House - I do know Morgan Jenkins the Blocklayer
I do Know John Lewis that used some time ago to work for -
Morgan Jenkins , he went somewhere to the Hills from there -
He married Mrs Harwoods Daughter , I did not see that -
John Lewis on Sunday the 3rd November or Monday the 4th - I saw

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