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Page 1:
[top right] 67

[on the left hand side of the page:]
Morgan James
a Witness on the list
objected to an account
of misdescription
of the Residence of
his Son with
whom he sometimes

[ on the right hand side of the page:-]
This is a most material
Witness in Jenkin Morgan's
Case without his
Evidence there is
a doubt of Conviction
and as Jenkin Morgan's
is the only Case we
have been able
to bring home to any
one living in Newport
and as his plans &
proceedings shew
him to be a Leader
manufacturing Pikes
Assembling People
at his House & going
to meet the Caerleon
Section It is highly
important to make
an Example of him
One half of the Inhabitants

Page 2:
on right hand side of the page:-
of Newport being
Chartists and badly
disposed persons.
It may be remembered
when this Man was
produced upon the
Trial ag[ain]st Frost
that he proved his
description as to his
own Residence at
"Pillgwenlly in the p[ar]ish
of "St Woollos in the Co[unt]y of
Mon.[mouth] Collier to be correct
but the doubt arose
as to his add[itiona]l description
of "Some times abiding
"at the House of his Son
"John James in the parish
" of " Bedwellty " in the Coy
of Mon. Collier"
It is a Matter of doubt
from the Undefined boundary
of the parishes of
Moneythusloyne and
Bedwellty which parish
the Son lives in

Page 3:
and it will best to assume
that it is in Moneythusloyne
making the additional
description incorrect
as there appeared a
difference of Opinion
upon the Bench upon
the point- The Lord Chief
Justice [*] being in favor
of the objection but the others
inclined to consider the
^ first description complete &
sufficient but acceeded
to the opinion of the Ld Chief
Justice as a point of some
little doubt & wishing
probably to render Frost s
^ Case as free from objection
and doubt as possible
which may not be considered
so important in any other
Case. It may be deemed
worth consideration what
course to adopt to get
James in the Box again
& to support his description
& Whether Proof of his
^ being Rated at
St. Woollos would
Strengthen his Case
Morgan James like
all Colliers working

[*The Rt Hon. Sir Nicolas Conyngham Tindal, LCJ (- ) ]

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[top of page , numbers up-side-down:- 486]

[on the left hand side of the page:-]
To support the Witnesses
Morgan James &
John Phillips
obj[ecte]d to for want
of proper description.

John Phillips
described of Cross y ceilog
in the p[ar]ish of Llanvrechva
also of Llanvrechva
Cross y ceilog is the
Cock at the Cross
The Cross is known
where a Lane crosses
the Turnpike Road
at right Angles
& the Ceilog or Cock
is the sign of a Public
House ^ of which there are two the one nearest
the Cross called the upper and the one
most distant the lower

[ on the right hand side of the page: contd from page 12_67_03 ]
at a distance from
their Homes take certain
quantities of Victuals
such as Bacon & Cheese
to supply them for
the week or fortnight
& lodge in the neighbourhood
of the Colliery there

This witness can
be supported in his
description at Cross
y Ceilog. As the Ordnance
Map describes it as
a Hamlet & Evidence
can be given of persons
living in the district
of the Cross within
which the Prisoners
House is situate
having Letters addressed
to them by Post as
Cross y Ceilog which
they duly receive.

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