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Regina v Jenkin Morgan
Phineas Sims
force states living in of the parish of Saint James
in the City of Bristol and County of the same City
Police Officer States that -
About 2 o'Clock on the afternoon of Thursday
the 14th November last I received information that
Jenkin Morgan against whom a Warrant had
been issued ^ for High Treason was at the House of [blank space] King who kept
the Bunch of Grapes in High Street Market- I
proceeded to that House and from the description I
saw a man in the tap
Room answering to the description I had received
of Jenkin Morgan- I went to him and asked
him his name- He said "Morgan Jenkins"- I
said I wanted him and he must walk with me-
He drank up his Beer and went with me to the
Station House - Three of four Gentlemen came
in who knew him to be Jenkin Morgan-
I asked him again if his name was not Morgan Jenkins
alias Jenkin Morgan - he said it was not- I then entered
his name in the Charge Sheet as Morgan Jenkins
alias Jenkin Morgan - I asked him his residence-
He refused to tell me stating that he should say
no more until he came upon his trial- I
then told him It was customary
when ^ stating a charge to set out the residence
of the Prisoner- He then said that he resided
at Swansea - I asked him if he did not reside
at Pillgwenlly- He said he had not lived

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there for some time- He had been living in
Swansea - that he came from Swansea to
Cardiff and from Cardiff - to Bristol that
day - and that he had paid 18/- his fare
from Bristol to London at 4 o'Clock that
Evening - by the "Age" Coach from the Bush
Coach Office - About a quarter before 3
o'Clock Richard Ashfield came to the Station
House and spoke to the Prisoner and signed
the Charge Sheet as to Prisoner's identity-
On Friday morning the 15th Novr I conveyed
Prisoner to Newport - Whilst the
passengers were landing Prisoner said to me
pointing at Lewis, Ashfield and another man
There are the three "That is my three neighbours
who sold me."-
___________________ Phineas Sims

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Jenkin Morgan


Ex[a]m Phineas Sims as
to Caption of Pris[one]r


Copied on Brief
13/1/40 JR

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