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Page 1:
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Regina v. Jenkin Morgan

WmHenry Williams - I live at Newport
and am a Commission Agent - On
Tuesday the 5th November instant I
received orders from the Magistrates to
search the fields between the Chepstow
& Caerleon Road s-
for Gunpowder - that I proceeded to
the place accordingly and in the that
place I found two pikes - - I
put a mark upon them - my
initials W.H.W. on the handles in
Ink - I also found at a Hay
Rick near Etheridges two Iron
Weapons - This was about four
o'clock in the Evening - The
Magistrates received Information
from Morgan James who had
been examined before the
Magistrates in this Prosecution
____________ Wm H. Williams

Page 2:
Regina v[ersus] J. Morgan

W.H. Williams

q Unimportant.

[at foot:-]
[written over previous number ? 336]

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