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Page 1:
[top right margin:-]95
The Prisoner was committed on 23 Nov[ember}
for having on the night 3 Nov[ember] with others armed
entered the dwellng house of William Adams
and put him in bodily fear.

Copy of the Depositions is left herewith
Mr. Wightman [*] will be pleased to draw
the proper Indictment
applicable to this Case.

It seems to me that the Indictment
in this case should resemble that in
_______________ Mr Wightman [*]
____________ [??] Minister's Secretary

[*Mr Wightman - a Counsel for the Crown prosecution]

Page 2:
[on second fold/ right hand of page-]
The Queen
Tho[ma]s Morgan
[there is a large X against the above]

Mr Wightman [*]
Justices to draw

[bottom right ]
Sol. Treasy

[in pencil at foot of page]
D.4. 139

[* Mr Wightman- a counsel for the Crown prosecution]

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