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Page 1:
[top right margin] 106
Thomas Williams of Tredegar Shopman
and abiding at the house of Thomas Parry - at Tredegar -
states - On Sunday Evening the 3rd November
I was at the Lamb Beer house at Ebbw Vale
kept by Wm Adams - My father lodges there -
He is blind - Between 6 & 7 that Evening about
20 or 30 men came into the house - they had some
beer & paid for it * - they were armed with spears
[in left hand margin against this sentence]* see below X
pikes & such like - they staid about 10 minutes -
About an hour after another party came had
beer & went away - they were also armed - I did
not hear any conversation-
[in left hand margin against the following line] X
One of the first party told me if I did not hide
I should be forced to go with them I therefore
went with my father into an inner room, my
Grandfather & Grandmother, Richard Samuels & his
Wife were also there - & the Landlady locked us
in from the outside - My Father & myself
went to bed about 1/2 past 11 - When we had
been there about 1/2 an hour four men came
into the house & asked in Welsh whether there
were any men in the house & said they had authority

Page 2:
to search the house - I did not hear
the answer- Immediately afterwards I heard
men coming up stairs & Mrs Adams came into
my Father's Bedroom with a candle & the 4
men with her - She said - there is no one here
but a blind man and a boy - One of them
William Morgan came to the bed & pulled the
bed clothes off my father & myself - my father
asked them what he did that for, that he had
been ill 3 or 4 years was a cripple & blind -
My father also [asked] him what his name was -
Wm Morgan answered "my name is touch me
not catch me if you can" - one of the other
men then came to the bed & told me to get up &
at the same moment
^ Wm Morgan held a spear at my father.

Page 3:
[on second fold of page]

Regina v Thos Morgan
[N.B. the Xtian name has been struck through with pencil and qy Thos substituted also in pencil]
Examination of
Thomas Williams

Useless as it has been copied
before by [??]EM 4 Jany 1839[1840]
as altered & contained 3 sheets

15 Jany 1840 Briefed [??]EM

[at foot ]
[written over previous number ?? 582]

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