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Monmouthshire (to wit) The Jurors for our Sovereign Lady the Queen upon
their oath present that John Owen John Gibby -
late of Aberystruth St Woolos in the Cy of Monmouth Blacksmith
heretofore to wit on the 1st [?] day of October in the Yr of our Ld
1839 & on divers other days & times between that day & the
taking this Inquisition to wit at Aberystruth afsd
in the Cy afsd unlawfully & seditiously did conspire combine
confederate & agree with divers other persons to the
Jurors unknown to raise insurrections tumults disturbances
& breaches of the public peace within this Realm & to
oppose & obstruct the due execution of the law & to
_____________to wit pikes swords & daggers
procure arms for more effectually
carrying the sd conspiracy combination confederacy &
agreement into effect & the afsd John Gibby
in furtherance & pursuance of the afsd conspiracy combination

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