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Page 1:
[top right margin] 39
Reg v John Owen

John Thomas of the Beaufort Works Miner -
& David Jones of the same place Shoemaker -
_______________afternoon about 3 O clock
severally say - On Sunday the 3d Novr ^
_______our houses
we went from ^
to atLlangynydr to be out
of the way of being pressed by the Chartists who we
had heard were going to meet that night - we
went to Chapel there & after the service we went
to the Lion beer house there - We went into the
Kitchen - the
^ Prisoner was sitting down with a table before
him - On the table were the drawings
of 3 different shapes of pike heads in chalk .
________________________________at the time
There were about 6 persons in the room ^ besides
the Prisoner & ourselves - the name of one is Edwd
____a Miner at the Beaufort
[*]Charles ^ we do not know the others by name but
should know them again if we were to see them -
____________________meaning the chalk drawing
David Jones asked Prisoner what those things meant
_________the patterns of
He said they were ^ Chartist pikes - & that he had made
53 of them & had brought them up with him to their
Rasau Lodge in Breconshire & that he received
53/- for them - David Jones said he let them have
the pikes very cheap - He said 1/- apiece was enough

[* Edward Charles]

Page 2:
for them - D. Jones then asked Prisr ^ how he could have
the conscience to make such things as these which might
perhaps kill his own neighbour & perhaps ^his family as well -
Then he said he was forced to do it - D. Jones then asked
him what was the reason he went on like that & afterwds
ran away from them - He answered - He should get on
very well if they gained the Victory in Brecon as he should
take & run his pike into a sheep or fowl to get some blood
on it to shew as he had been with them & had run his pike
into somebody. Prisoner also said he heard 3
men say at the Lodge (by which witnesses suppose
he meant the Rasau Lodge )that they were enough
for Summers Harford Thomas Rosser Cashier of
Ebbw Vale & the Policeman of Nantyglo -
Pris r said he should not be sorry to hear that those 3
Chartists who threatened Mr Harford Rosser & the
policeman were killed - We then went from the
house & left him there - & went to another Public house
& Staid there all night - I went still further into
Breconshire the next morning - & about middle day
took the Brecon Coach to Abergavenny where we staid
until Wednesday morning - when we went back home .

____________________[signed] David Jones
____________________________John Thomas

[in top left margin : a vertical line is placed against lines 1-5]

Page 3:
[across second fold of page]
further evidence
required for Trial

Rega v John Owen [with court processing marks -a large X and a tick alongside]

[faint in pencil]

Evidence of John [?] [Thom]as & David Jones
of Beaufort Works ... for
[text is partly obscured by blotting]

[at foot]

[across the third and fourth paper folds in pencil]
Mr ^Wm Adams undergro[oun]d agent to Messrs Harfords
told Wm Davies Constable he believed that John
Drew a farmer having a freehold/er/ & Prisr's Landlord
said he thought he saw Prisr making some
Spear heads & asked him what they were for
& prisr said they were teeth for Harrows- John
Drew [*] said I am a farmer & never saw such
queer teeth as them.

[* Cf doc. 13_40_01 where the name is given as Trew]

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