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Page 1:
[top right margin] 40
Regina V John Owen

John Trew Farmer of the Parish of
Aberysthuith [*] in the County of Monmouth States

I Know John Owen he is a Black Smith
and Works in the Parish aforesaid I recol-
lect Thursday the 31 st of October 1839 I went
into his Shop and saw him at Work he
was making some curious Kind of Iron
Instruments I asked him what they were
he said they were teeth for a Harrow I
said they were curious kind of Harrow teeth
and that I never saw Such before he said
the reason they were made that way
was in consequence of the Wood being rotten

December 6th 1839 ________[signed] John Trew

John Trew further States that he had
an Instrument made by his direction
which he has marked, and which as
near as he can recollect resembles
those which he saw John Owen making
on Thursday the 31st of October last and
which John Owen said were teeth for

December 6th 1839 _____[signed] Jno. Trew

[* Aberystruth]
[ Cf 13_39_03 where name is given as John Drew]

Page 2:
[in pencil]

John Hopkins the Carpenter
states that he never employed John
Owen to make any Stay Nails or
Harrow teeth

Page 3:
[on second fold of page]
John Owen

Making Arms

Mr Homans statement of

14 Jany /40 -- copied EM [?]

[with pencil annotation] True _____ True

[at foot]
[also written in place of a previous nunber possibly ?? 402]

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