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[top right margin] 52
Jeremiah James states, I live in Commercial
Road Newport. I knew John Partridge the Prisoner. I saw
him at Watkins public House the Ship and Pilot at 7 O'clock
Monday morning (the 4th November) - He came in cursing and swearing
and said there would be such work done in Newport that day as never
was before - that the B __s would be served out today -- I was quite
alarmed and frightened and went away. My son was with me - At
that ^time nothing had been openly done in Newport - Three or four people were
present and heard the same - Watkins was there and his brother was there Mr Hutchings also - I did not communicate what I heard to
the Mayor. I was so frightened that I went to protect my Wife and
John Morgan states - I am a Grocer living in Newport
I know the Prisoner John Partridge's person. I have known him
many years very well - I recollect to have seen him on the morning of
Monday last about 8 O'clock at the end of Cross Keys Lane opposite
Mrs Harrys - I heard him address a person that was with him. I was near
enough distinctly to hear what Partridge said to that person - that man's
name is Charles Evans. Partridge told Evans that he would meet him
in 25 minutes from that time at the Waterloo . The Waterloo public
house is a short distance from the weighing machine in the same direction.
It is near the Tram road leading from the Collieries and Ironworks to Newport that is the direct road from the Collieries and the Hills to the
Town of Newport I did not see any parcel with him - I am quite
sure that which I have said is true - I named it to Mr Jacob Nicholas
Junr at the time - He stood with me at the time.

[at foot] 3 [encircled]

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