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Page 1:
[top right margin] 62
[in left margin of first deposition] 4
[top centre of page of first deposition] 4
Isaac Evans (Sworn) I am the Clerk to Mr Withers
I know the prisoner John Partridge - I have known him several
months - On the morning of Monday the 4th instant I went to the
Court y Bella Machine to meet the Chartists - I saw them coming in
a Body armed with Pikes and Swords - There were a great number of
them there - I did not see John Frost there - I know him -
As soon as I saw the Crowd I turned back towards Newport - I met
John Partridge between the machine and Newport going to meet the
Chartists - It was between 2 and 300 yards this side of the Machine -
I did not see anything in his hand - It was between 8 and 9
O'clock - He was going alone - he said nothing - As he passed by I
looked after him and saw him going on - the Chartists were not then in sight
I went on a little further - I looked and turned back - I saw the Chartists
going up the lane towards the Friars - I then went up Commercial
Street and came opposite the Westgate - I saw them coming down Stow Hill
and turn around the corner of the Westgate Inn - they entered the front door and began to fire - I saw the first attack - It was made by
the Chartists and no shot was fired until after the Mob entered the house and
fired - When I turned back after Partridge passed me and I saw the
Chartists coming Partridge must have seen them &c -
__________________________________ Isaac Evans
[in left margin of second deposition] 1
[centre of page above second deposition] 1
Jeremiah James (Sworn ) says I live in Commercial
Road. I know John Partridge the Prisoner- I saw Partridge the
Prisoner at Watkins 's the Ship and Pilot at 7 O'clock on last Monday
morning - He came in cursing and swearing and said there would be
such work done in Newport that day as never was before ^
[added above the line] the B___ will be served out to day - I was quite
alarmed and frightened and went away - My Son was with me -
At that time nothing openly had been done in Newport. There was 3
or four that heard the same - Watkins was there and his brother was
there - Mr Hutchins was there - I did not communicate what I
heard to the Mayor - I was so frightened that I went to protect my
Wife and family -- &c Jere[mia]h James. --
______________________________Vide next sheet p.6

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Page 2:
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[across third paper fold /pencil faint]
Rega v Partridge

Depositions of
Isaac Evans
Jeremiah James

[at foot on second paper fold]

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