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Richard Arnold late of Pontymister now of Blaina

Puddler States - I was at Pontymister on Sunday the night of the

3rd November last - I was at home & in bed about 9 o'Clock

- about 12 or 1 oclock I heard some strange men outside call me

by name - I did not answer - they called again & said if I did not

answer the[y] wd burst the house open - I then jump'd up & looked out

of the Window asked what they wanted - they told me they were Chartists

& that I must get up & go along with them - I told them if they were

Chartists to go about their business - I was not one & would not go with

them - I had my head out of the window - they swore if I did get up and

come down & open the door that minute they wd blow my brains out - I

asked them their intentions - they sd they were going to Newport to take Newpt

I asked them what they were going to do at Newport - they did not say but

upon this, a young man one of the party took up a large brick & burst

the door open - this man was Isaac Phillips he was a neighbour

of mine & I knew him well - I did not know the man with the Gun

(a double barrel) - They all entered the House (about 30 altogether ) &

I came down stairs partly undressed - they asked me for a Gun -

I told them I had a Gun - they asked me for a Sword - I told them

I had not one - they asked if I had Pistols or any other weapons - I

said no & if I had I did not know how to use them - they said if -

I would find them a Gun or some weapon they would use it -

they had pikes spears Guns & swords - Isaac Phillips had a

bright cleaver in his hand - They asked for Candles which I

gave them out of fear they they would do me harm - they still sd

I should go - I said I would not - they sd they wd
make me -

Phillips spoke to me - but the man with the Gun whom they called

Strong skinkin spoke most - this was about 1 or half past 1 at

night - I gave them 4 candles which they took away - I do not

know to whom I gave them - Wm Price Jones a fellow workman

who had been pressed was with them - I was compelled to go

with them from Pontymister to the Welsh Oak where I should

suppose there were 2000 people armed - it must have been

then about 2 oClock - Phillips was very active & walked

[at foot encircled]

[in left margin: emphasis marks
agst lines 24-25]

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