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along side of me with a man who had a gun & another with a spear

to guard me - I tried to find out who the man with the Gun was

but failed - he used me badly - I remained at the Welsh Oak half

an hour and tried to get away but was stopped by others coming up

- I however got away & went home - I am certain I would not

have given them the Candles but from fear of being injured by them

& getting them away - They spoke about the Charter & said if any

man was at home and could not show his Card after they

returned from Newport that they would destroy them like killing

toads - The men were strangers to me except Price Jones and

Phillips - I asked them how they intended to ac/t/ after they had

taken Newport - they said they should do the same as the

others - that I was bound to get a weapon and go with

them but I did not take any thing - they told me that Frost

would be down at the Welsh Oak with 30, or 40,000 men - I

heard some one speaking there whom they said was Frost

they told me the Pontypool & Abersychan men were to meet at

the Welsh Oak - I heard them talk about the Soldiers -

I said they would be sure to fire at us - they said no Frost

had seen the Soldiers & arranged it with them - that as

as soon as they met the Soldiers they were to Surrender

& give up their arms - I heard them say they should
__________________at Newport

have the Poor House^ down first of all - this was said

on the way to the Welsh Oak

________________________The mark of
_______________________Richard Arnold

Wm Jones commonly called William Price Jones Sworn States
I am a Puddler - I lodge with John Evans a Labourer

at Blaina - I remember Sunday the 3rd November

last - I was at home at the House till half past 11

11 o'Clock. It was my turn to work at the Forge.

[at foot encircled]

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