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Page 1:
[Top right hand corner:-] 10
have heard Thomas Pritchard's Statement read & believe
it to be correct, except that I do not think Jack the Fifer
had a Pilot but a dress blue Coat- I am not certain -
When I left the Engine at the Waterloo I came back to the
yard and told Mr. Moses that we were stopped- He asked
if he should send some men up to watch the Goods we had
in the Trams- I said no we'll try our best to go up - I
saw the Landlady of the House where I lodge- I told her to
put away the old Pistol which was hung over the Kitchen
Chimney of the House for that I had seen the mob take a
Gun from the Waterloo- I then ran back to overtake the
Engine- and by the King William I saw Jack the Fifer
and the man in the Blanket Smock walking down
Commercial Street very fast- Jack was the first by
about 10 yards - I was talking to some other persons and
asking what had been done - Jack stopped and said "Thank
God we have had one cut at them and knocked down 3 or 4
and they have not lost one of us" - The man in the blanket
Smock then said to him - come on - there were many
more running down the Street - at the time-

Page 2:
Jack the
Dep[osition] of
Tho[ma]s Pritchard
Sam[ue]l Smith
[Note written vertically centre page - right hand margin:- Reg[in]a v[ersus] Jack the Fifer]
[Left hand margin:- 598]

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