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Page 1:
[Top right hand margin:-]43
I William Lewis of Sirhowy
State that I was in Company with
Benjamin Richards in the Black Prince Tredegar
on the Saturday evening previous to the
Sunday that they started for Newport
they were talking about the Chartists
I asked Benjamin Richards what I
had better do and he made answer that
it would be better for every one to go
(meaning the Chartists) or it
would be worse for them when they came back.
Henry Crowe

[centre right of page:-] William his X mark Lewis

Davies searched Pris[oner]s House

Page 2:
Benjamin Richards
Exam[inatio]n of
W[illia]m Lewis

Not Exam[ine]d
before the Magistrates

[bottom left inked marking in circle]

[centre bottom margin:-]

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