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On Sunday night 3rd November 1839 William
Harris Carpenter came to tell Mr. Llewellin that the Chartists
had risen, that they were then (about Seven O Clock)
collecting in great numbers at Benjamin -
Richardson 's[*] House. The Colliers Arms Beer
House, opposite his own House- He seemed
greatly alarmed and at a loss what to do
because James and Richard Jones Sawyers
working for him had called about five O'
clock at his House that Evening to ask him
to come to Richardson's to have a card, but
but he refused- They told him they were all going to
Newport, and that all those who staid behind would
be badly off- Harris saw a great number
in and about Richardson's House for a long
time before they started towards Newport

It was pretty well known that Richardson-
was authorised to sell cards, as William Lewis
the Block Layers wife was anxious that her
Husband would go and buy a card, thinking
he would be safer by having one- but he refused
to apply for it- It is supposed that Lewis's Wife
can prove the fact of Richardson's having Cards to sell-
Richardson was looked upon as a great chartist

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and it is certain he went to Newport as a leader of
of Ten Men- Mr. [or W?] Llewellin was standing at the foot of the
Canal Bridge near his own House about Noon on
Monday 4th November there were several women on
the Bridge, and one Daniel Lewis a Carpenter who
said, he had been taken forcibly away from his House
the night before by a party against his will but
that he had effected his escape before they reached
Newport, and I think he said "little Robert" mean[in]g
Richardson was one urging Lewis to go, upon
that Robert appeared in sight on the Canal Bank
She said here is Robert ask him said she-
Daniel Lewis, how it is at Newport, Robert came
up passed She and walked up to Daniel and
they shook hands, they w[h]ispered something to
each other, and walked on some yards along the
Road- When Daniel came back & Robert had
proceeded towards home - He said to Daniel in
answer to his enquiry "how it was at Newport" - "come
"a little this way & I will tell you" - and after retiring
a short distance from the Bridge said "It is very
bad there - the Soldiers fired from the Houses on
the people and killed several & the rest run away
for their Lives-" The two Sawyers said to Thomas [Jones]

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Jones [Tho. Jones] Carpenter on their return from Newport
that the men only wanted more Arms to have
succeeded - and that it was not over yet.
About ten persons forced into John Davies the Lock
Keepers House at Abercarne on Sunday night the 3rd Instant
among whom he identified the two Sawyers - this party
forced Davies, and his Son who they took out of Bed to go
with them, Davies said what would they want with an
old man like him- Oh` they said he must come along
as they had much older Men than he was with them He
went some distance and made his escape ---
John James a Collier now keeping the
Turn pike Gate has disclosed to Wm[?] Daniels
that his employment was to go from Lodge
to Lodge & that he was employed as Secretary
& knows where there is ‚£3/15 [s] Chartist Club
Money now - not disposed of-
About 9 o'clock Sunday night ten or more persons
entered the House of Moses Welch an old Gunner
he called him old Jack and pressed him to go
with them - he said he was too old - one replied he -
could carry a Basket and walk about and therefore he
must come as he could Shoot the people well and
they would speak to Mr. Frost to get him a good place
He said if he could fight he would do so for the
Government again with all his Heart but he would
not go with them- One of the Mob then said D _ n [ Damn] the
old Rascal he is a pensioner and of no use to us- &
with that pushed the old Man violently from him against
the Wall - This person had a Sword & Blunderbuss

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Reg[in]a v[ersu]s
Mr. John Llewellin

Against Benjamin Richardson
James Jones
& W[illia]m Jones

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