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to rise their right hand up - I told
him as I should never come down a yard
with them, I told as I would be killed
at home before I did come down - I did
hear him say for every one to provide
some kind of Arms for such a time, Guns
or anything or some kind of Arms to
defend themselves - I asked him what
good it was for us to go down to Newport
he said to them, ourselves, and that people
wuld be afraid if there was a good lot
coming down - He did say as much
as this about the Soldiers, as he did
think there would be no mis-chief
done, as he did think the Soldiers would
every one give up their Arms, I did then
get in a very bad passion, and I did
say I would not go with them a yard
as I would sooner be killed at Home
than going - I then went out of the Room

Page 2:
I did not hear him say anything about
the Charter - I have been at the Meetings
3 or 4 times I dont know when, When
I first went to the Lodge I paid
five pence - I put them on the Table
Lewis Rowland was there, He asked
me my Name- I then saw him write
something on the little Copy Book, I cant
say what it was - I was at a little
distance from him - I dont know that
there was any Chairman, if there was
I dont know who he was - I remember
Monday the 4 November - I remember
seeing the Prisoner on the Road that
night about 10 o'clock, it was about
300 yards from my House, he passed me
his back was towards Newport then
he was coming from Blyn to Maes-y-
Cwmmur, I said to him, well boy
you be come back, he said yes and
off he went - I was thinking he was

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coming from Newport - I hear as they
were all a going to Newport somewhere,
there was no Man there, I did not know
where - He was walking down before
me along the Road - I turned towards
my House- I have not see him since
until this morning
[centre right:-] Lewis Lewis

Taken before us
Geo[rge] Hall
Octavius Morgan
James Coles
Sam[ue]l Homfray

The Prisoner being called upon for
his defence and duly cautioned, states
I dont wish to say anything
[centre right:-] Lewis Rowland

Taken before us
Geo[rge] Hall
Octavius Morgan
James Coles
Sam[ue]l Homfray

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Lewis Rowland

Committed for Sedition

Indict for Sedit[iou]s Language
on 1Nov[ember] at The Angel

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