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Page 1:
[top right hand margin:-]74
Hananiah Morgan - Agent to the
Manmhole[?] [Manmoel] Colliery states - On Friday
Evening about 5 o'clock, previous to the
riot at Newport - I went to Thomas
James's Beer house at Court y bella
& there saw David Stephen a Collier
at Court y bella - I mean the Young Man
some time - after I came in - he came
up to me and asked me to drink out
of his Jug - he then asked me "What
do you think of the Chartists now" & said "that
he understood I was much against
them always" I said "So sorry"
I told him I thought nothing would
come of them and that I believed a
great number repented joining them"
he said "You shall see they'll all
unite together warmly again and
that something would be done by
them within a fortnight" - I said
"I don't believe it" he said "remind
me in another month or two of what I
have said If my words don't come true"
he then left me and I saw no
more of him.
[centre right of page:-] Hananiah Morgan

Page 2:
Rega pros. -- David
Stephens Junr
Deposition of
Hananiah Morgan

[centre bottom margin:-]561

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