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Page 1:
[top right hand margin:-] 76

Margam Works
Dec[embe]r 12th 1839
[The above is on the right hand side of the page]
Mr. Phelps
In the last few days I have
employed a man here who gave me
his name as Joseph Morgan though I
have been today privately informed that his
real name is Daniel Thomas and the general
belief is that he was concerned in the late
Chartist insurrection, he is about 23 years
of age & about 5f[oo]t 10in[ches] high.
I thought it right to appraise you of the
circumstances in case there should be any
charge against the man. I believe he worked
at Nantyglo when the riots began.
I will get him apprehended & sent to Newport
if you want him.
[on right hand side of page:-]
I Remain
Your Ob[edian]t Serv[an]t
Robert Smith Jun[io]r

Page 2:
[postmarked:] Bridgend, ...

[on right hand side of page:-]
Margam Works, 12 Dec[ember]
Rob[er]t Smith Jun[io]r
Rec[eive]d 13 D[itt]o [December]
Answ[ere]d 14 D[itt]o[December]
H Phelps Esq

[in pencil - right margin:-]
Joseph Morgan
Daniel Thomas

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