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Page 1:
[top right hand margin:-] 80
by someone. I do not know
by whom. When W Powell said
he would come again I told him
that Lovell would not be at my House
the foll[owin]g day as he would be removed
from there as soon as possible
I did not belong to the
Chartists and generally opposed
them. Whilst Lovell was at
my House many of his friends
came to see him. I know James
Aust who was in custody & has been
committed - he came to my House
and asked for John Lovell there
was another person with him
they saw John LoveIl. It was about
4 o'clock in the afternoon of Monday
He remained about 1/4 of an hour.
There were at least 100 Men ^ & Women came
into my House in the course of the
day they appeared all of the same
party 2 Men named Rorque
or Roke & his Son came to see him.

Page 2:
& [?] whispered to Lovell the principal
part of those who came did
the same. I was much alarmed
& was glad to get Lovell
away. He was taken away
the same Eve[ni]ng.
[on right hand side of page:-] Micah Jenkins

Page 3:
X Newport
Reg vs John Thomas
John Lovell
[a large X is struck across the above]


Evidence of W.P. Powell
& Micah Jenkins -

[centre bottom margin:-]595

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