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William John sworn, says I live at Mr. William Brewers the surgeon. On Monday
the Fourth November last about nine o'clock I was standing by the Westgate I heard people
hurraing[?hurrahing] coming down Stow Hill, I saw people coming in front of the Westgate they were
armed with Guns, Pikes and sticks. I observed a one Legged man amongst them he had a Gun
in one hand and a stick in the other there was one man standing near him, he had nothing
in his hand. I saw a man with a Sword he was not near the man with one Leg, when
the mob came round in front of the Westgate the man with a Sword moving it about told -
some boys that were standing the further side of the Westgate to go away And after the
mob came in front of the Westgate I heard them fire I did not see the man with a wooden Leg
do anything then when they was firing I saw him ramming his Gun down he appeared to be
loading it, I was then about one yard from him, that man was dressed in a darkish -
Fustian coat, and he had a Jim Crow Hat on, I am not quite sure it was fustian, I should
know that man again, the prisoner is the man, looking at the prisoner I beleive he is the man
but I beleive it I have no doubt he is the man. He has not now the same dress on he had
when I saw him on Monday the Fourth November. I have not seen hi since untill to
today I do beleive him to be the same man I saw in front of the Westgate on Monday the -
Fourth November I know him by his Features and his looks.
William Johns
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