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The Prisoner George Turner alias Cole being duly cautioned and called upon for
defence voluntarily says - I am quite innocent of the crime, I was in bed on the Sunday
evening by nine o'clock I raised about seven on the Monday morning and I got witnesses if
I could send up to Blackwood to bring them down as could clear me the constables as
took me yesterday, they heard several say as I was at home that morning they saw me -
there between Seven and Eight o'clock. I was not nisth [?nigh]Newport neither Sunday nor Monday
I'll be upon my Oath of it , and the persons that swore against me, they have sworn a falsity
every one of them, I am not the person they seed I never had a Gun in my hand never in
my Life from the day I was born. I don't know as I got anything Else to say not at present I never
had no such Clothes in my House or no Musket of any kind I am very sorry as any
thing should happen for poor people to be pulled about the Country for nothing for I am innocent. Turner is my right name - I have been called -
George Cole my Stepfathers name was Cole.
The Mark x of George Turner
alias Cole
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