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[top right hand margin:-] 95
Reg[in]a v[ersu]s George Turner Commonly called Geo[rge] Cole

Daniel Evans of Newport
I was at Newport Monday
mor[ni]ng 4th Nov[embe]r Inst[an]t about
9 O'clock I was in my
own House opposite the
Westgate looking out of

down Stairs when the firing from
the Soldiers began I went upstairs

The Window ^ [the above lines added]I saw the
Mob come round in front
of the Westgate I saw them
come to the back Gates
of the Westgate armed
with Guns Pikes & other
weapons. Then they turned
to the front the Westgate when
they found the Gates Shut
They then fired into the
Westgate - I then saw
the prisoner who was

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dressed in a drab Fustian
^ or Flannel Coat something to a Carpenters
dress - I saw him with
a Gun in his Hand I saw
him charge twice and
fire at the Westgate
Once at the lower Window
the other at the upper
Window After the last
time he fired I saw him
run down the pavement
down Commercial Street
He was one of the most
Active of the Mob
I have no doubt of

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the Pris[one]r being being the
Daniel Evans

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[The following notes are page-centre:-]
Regi[na] vs

Depo[sition]: of Dan[ie]l

[The following notes are page-right:-]
[?]W. Homfrays

John Stevens
& 2 others belong
to the Fanny
Engine will
prove seeing
Turner ret[urn]ing
from Newport
with the Crowd

[centre bottom margin:-] 408

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