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Page 1:
[top right hand margin:-] 96
Reg[ina] v[ersus] George Turner
commonly called George
Cole One leg

Thomas Hopkins Son of Edwd
Hopkins Superintendent of Police
lives at ^ Stow Hill Newport was waiting
to see the mob that were expected
coming down the Hill.
at about 1/2 p[ast] 8 in the Morn[in]g
^of Monday 4 Nov Inst When I saw them Coming I ran
down to my Father who was
on duty at the Westgate I did
not see my Father but told
some of the Spec[ia]l Constables
at the Door of it. I then
went across by Mr Clements
the Druggists corner of
Bains Well. I saw the Mob
come down in front of the
Westgate ^ they went to the Yard Gates and then gates and then -- Turned round and
fired into the House. I saw
a man with a Fustian Coat
& Trousers with Black Whiskers

whom I took to be a Carpenter
from his dress. I heard the Man
say something & they [?]rushed
from the middle part at
the Front Door of the Westgate

Page 2:
I saw the same Man during
the firing go to the Corner of
Lloyds the Draper corner of
Skinner Street with a
Gun in his Hand ^ wounded & bleeding
at the thigh. He said to a
man I am wounded I saw the man walk away from
the mob lame. I ran
across the Street to see who
it was & I found it
was John Lovell who
has been committed for Trial
Imm-ely [immediately] After the firing I
saw the man with one leg
come out of the crowd
from the Westgate to near
Mr Lloyd s Door at Skinner
Street He had a Gun
or a Stick in his Hand

Page 3:
I saw him afterwards walk down Commercial St[reet] towards
the Salutation with the same Instrument in his Hand I swear the Man
in custody is the same Man
I knew him the moment I saw
him and before I saw his leg was gone.
Thomas Hopkins

Sam[ue]l Williams of Newport
Constable saith that
after the firing on Monday Morn[in]g
4th Nov[embe]r Inst[an]t about [blank] O'clock in
the Morn[in]g I was coming
up from Pillgwenlly by
the Salutation Inn when I met
the Prisoner with one leg
coming from the Westgate
with a Gun in his Hand.

Moses Scard Police Officer
was on duty on Monday 4th Novr
bet[wee]n 8 & 9 O'clock I
was in front of the Westgate

Page 4:
[The following headings are centre page:-] Newport
Reg[ina] v[ersus] Turner
one leg [with X across these lines]

Depo[sition] of Tho[ma]s Hopkins
& Sam[ue]l Williams

Committed for
[Moses Scard's statements are continued left and right of the central column ]

Inn I saw the mob come down I saw
the Prisr run to them he had a Gun in
his Hand He was very active man
in inciting the Mob I went into the
House imm-ely [immediately] and heard firing
the moment afterwards. The Prisr
was dressed in a light brown Jacket
and a sort of low Hat called a Jim
Crow Hat I swear the Prisr is the Man
X In all observation of the Prisnr
[?] persons in the Passage
I examined him attentively
for a minute
[centre bottom margin:-] 471

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