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Page 1:
[Typescript caption/ attached at top]
List of prisoners in the County Gaol
at Monmouth on 30th November, 1839,
awaiting trial at the "next assizes".
Prisoner No.3 is John Frost, committed
on Nov. 5th, 1839 "for having on the
4th day of November instant at the
borough of Newport committed High
Treason against our Sovereign Lady
the Queen, her Crown and Dignity".

[Top right of MS] Page 5

A List of Prisoners in the County Gaol at Monmouth
for trial at the next Assizes or General Gaol Delivery

1. Arthur Jones 47(n) Committed August 17th 1839 by Samuel
Homfray Esq.r charged upon the oath of David Phillips
with the Manslaughter of Evan Rees late of the Parish
of Bedwelty

2. John Richards 42(n) Committed Octbr 4th 1839 by William
Curre Esqr. for stealing a Lamb of the value of twenty
shillings the property of John Langley of Shire
newton in this County

3. John Frost 54 (r & w w) Committed Novr 5th 1839 by R.J. Blewitt,
W. Brewer, L. Edwards, Ge.o Hall Esq.rsJas. Coles Clerk
for having on the 4th day of November instant at
the borough of Newport Committed High Treason
against our Sovereign Lady the Queen her Crown
and Dignity

4. Charles Waters 26 (r & w. w) Committed Novr 5th 1839 by R.J.
Blewitt, W. Brewer, L. Edwards, Geo Hall Esqs and
J. Coles Clerk for having on the 4th day of November
instant at the borough of Newport Committed
High Treason against our Sovereign Lady the
Queen her Crown and Dignity

5 John Partridge 44 (r & w imp) Committed Novr 7th 1839 by J. Coles,
Clerk, W. Brewer, R.J. Blewitt, & L. Edwards Esquires
for having on the 4th day of November instant at
the borough of Newport committed divers acts
of Treason against our Sovereign Lady the Queen
her Crown and Dignity

6. James Aust 25 (r. w. well) Committed Novr 6th 1839 by W. Brewer,
L. Edwards, R.J. Blewitt, G. Hall Esqr and J. Coles
Clerk for having on the 4th day of November
instant at the borough of Newport committed
divers acts of Treason and Sedition against
our Sovereign Lady the Queen her Crown and

7. Thomas Davies 33 (r & w. imp) }
8. John Rees 40 (r. imp) }
9. Richd Benfield 20 (r & w. imp ) } Committed Novr 7th 1839 by J. Coles
Clerk . R.J. Blewitt, W. Brewer, & L. Edwards
Esquires for having on the 4th day of

[In the left margin the prisoner
Numbers (3-9) from Frost through to
Benfield are renumbered 1-7]

Page 2:
November instant at the borough of Newport com
-mitted High Treason against our Sovereign Lady the
Queen her Crown and Dignity

10. William Jones 30 (r & w. imp) Committed Novr 8th1839 by J. Coles
Clerk, Sir B. Hall, W. Brewer, and L. Edwards Esquires
for having on the 4th day of November instant at
the Borough of Newport Committed Treason against
our Sovereign Lady the Queen her Crown & Dignity

11. Amy Meredith 45 (n) Committed Nov.r 11th 1839 by W. Taddy

12. James Meredith (r. imp) }

13. Thomas Keys - 29 (r. imp) } C.H. Leigh and W. Needham Esquires
for having on the night of the 3.rd day of
November instant at the Parish of Trevethin
Burglariously and feloniously broken open
the Dwelling House of John Jones and stealing
therein one Cask containing six gallons of Beer
and a quantity of Bread & Cheese

14. Soloman Britton 23 ( r & w. imp) Committed Novr 1839 by
J. Coles, Clerk. T. Hawkins, W. Brewer and Octvs Morgan
Esquires for having on the 4th day of November in
-stant at the Borough of Newport Committed
High Treason and Sedition against our
Sovereign Lady the Queen her Crown & Dignity

15. William Williams 29 (r imp) Committed Novr 11th 1839 by J.
Gwynny, Summers Harford, C. Harford and J.
Bailey Jr Esquires for having on the night of Sunday the
3rd day of November instant together with divers other
persons unknown burglariously and feloniously did
break and enter the dwelling house of John Lloyd
at the Parish of Bedwelty and with threats putting
one Ann Walter into bodily fear and demanding
and taken from her a quantity of Rum Gin and Beer

16. Geo. George 37 (n) Committed Nov.r 12th 1839 by J. Coles, Clerk, T
Hawkins, G. Hall and Octs Morgan Esquires for
for having on the 4th day of November instant at the
Borough of Newport Committed Treason and
Sedition against our Sovereign Lady the Queen her
Crown and Dignity

[in the left margin the prisoners Jones, Britton
and George numbered 10,14,16 on the Assizes list,
are renumbered 8,9,10 for the Chartist SC list]

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page 6

17. Thomas Davies 28 (n) Committed Novr 13th 1839 by S. Homfray
and S. Harford Esquires, for having on the 4th day
of November instant being illegally armed with
a pike and being riotously assembled at Aberbeeg
and Abercarne with other persons unknown did
threaten one George Hitchings to do him some
grevious bodily harm and with force and arms
compelled him to join and go with them for an
illegal purpose

18. George Turner otherwise George Cole 37 (n) ~
~ Committed Novr 15
1839 by J. Coles, Clerk, T. Hawkins, T. Fothergill, O.
Morgan and W. Brewer Esqrs for having on the 4th
day of November instant at the Borough of Newport
committed Treason and Sedition against our
Sovereign Lady the Queen her Crown and Dignity

19. William Shellard 34 (r & w) Committed Novr 18th 1839 by Sir
B. Hall, T. Lewis, Clerk and W. A. Williams Esqs Charged
with the Crime of High Treason and Sedition
against our Sovereign Lady the Queen her
Crown and Dignity

20. Edward Edmunds 34 (r & w) Committed Novr 18th 1839 by J. Coles,
Clerk, O. Morgan, S. Homfray and T. Hawkins Esqrs
for having on the 4th day of November instant at
the Borough of Newport Committed High Treason &
Sedition against our Sovereign Lady the Queen
her Crown and Dignity

21. Samuel Etheridge 61 ( r & w ) Committed Novr 18th 1839 by J. Coles
Clerk, O. Morgan, S. Homfray and T. Hawkins Esqrs
for having on the 4th day of November instant at
the Borough of Newport Committed High Treason &
Sedition against our Sovereign Lady the Queen
her Crown & Dignity

22. John Lewis Llewellin 49 ( r & w ) Committed Novr 11th 1839 by
O. Morgan, S. Homfray, G. Hall, Esquires and J. Coles,
Clerk, for having on the 4th day of November at the
Borough of Newport Committed Sedition against
our Sovereign Lady the Queen her Crown and Dignity

[No.'s 18, 20, 21, 22,
Turner, Edmunds,
Etheridge, Llewellin,
are renumbered
11,12,13,14 for the SC list]

Page 4:
23. Jenkin Morgan 40 (r & w) Committed Novr 20th 1839 by
J. Coles. Clerk, T. Hawkins, W. Brewer, O. Morgan
and G Hall, Esquires for having on the 4th day
of November instant at the Borough of Newport
Committed Treason and Sedition against our
Sovereign Lady the Queen her Crown and

24. Evan Edwards 24 (r & w) Committed Novr 21st 1839 by G
Hall, T. Hawkins, W. Brewer, S Homfray, O Morgan
Esquires and J. Coles. Clerk for having on the 4th
day of November instant at the Borough
of Newport Committed High Treason and
Sedition against our Sovereign Lady the Queen
her Crown and Dignity

25. Benjamin Richards 41 (n) Committed Novr. 21st 1839 by
T. Hawkins, O Morgan, W. Brewer, S. Homfray
G. Hall, Esquires and J. Coles, Clerk for having
on the 4th day of November instant at the Borough
of Newport Committed High Treason and Sedition
against our Sovereign Lady the Queen her Crown
and Dignity

[No.'s 23, 24, 25, Morgan, Edwards, Richards
renumbered for SC list as 15,16,17]

Prisoners in the County Gaol at Monmouth for
Trial at the next General Quarter Sessions

No.1 - John Pimble 35 (n) Committed Nov.r 11th. 1839 by Thomas
Dyke Esquire Mayor of the Town and Borough
of Monmouth for having on the 11th. day of Novr
instant at the Borough aforesaid fraudulently
embezzled or stole about half a hundred weight
of hay the property of Thomas Addis his Master

Summary of the Prisoners in this Gaol De[l]i[ver]y
For Trial at the Assizes & Sessions - - - - 26
Deserters awaiting their route - - - - 2
Chartists Under Sentence - 3
Male & Female Prisoners under sentence - - - - 47
Male & Female Debtors - - - - 9
Total - 87

[In l. margin]
D.4.87 7.2.39 W_G[?]

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