
Page 1:
[top right hand margin:-]4

Reg[ina] : v[ersus] : John Frost

1 Williams Matthew
2 Rees John
3 Coles James
4 Oliver Thomas Bevan
5 Simmons Samuel
6 Hopkins Edward
7 Phillips - Tho[ma]s Jones
8 Brough Barnabas
9 Hodge James
10 Furman Israel
11 Waters Richard
12 Harford John

13 Davies William
14 Latch Thomas
15 Harris William
16 Morgan John
17 Pugh Richard

18 Pugh Esther
19 Thomas Jane
20 Lloyd Edmund
21 Lewis Maria
22 Neck David

23 Tovey Job

[bottom right hand margin:-]10

Page 2:
24 Tovey Susannah
25 Watkins Thomas
26 Adams William
27 Woolford James
28 Matthias John
29 Prosser John
30 Phillips Sir Tho[ma]s Kn[igh]t
31 Edwards Lewis
32 Brewer William
33 Gray Basil

34 Dailey Michael
35 Stack Richard
36 James Morgan
37 Phillips William
38 Homan Walter William
39 Crow Henry
40 Herring David

41 Brickley Edward
42 Arthur Thomas
43 Dyer Thomas
44 Cartwight W[illia]m S
45 Jenkins William
46 Saunders Thomas
47 Partridge Amelia
48 Maule George Esq[uire]
49 Rogers John
50 Rogers Stephen
51 Davies Margaret
52 James Morgan
53 Williams Jonas

Page 3:
Reg[ina] : v[ersus] : Cha[rle] s Walters
1 Davies John
2 Groves Charles
3 Hopkins Edward
4 Maule George

5 Oliver Bevan Thomas
6 Phillips Thomas Jonas
7 Phelphs W[illia]m T[ruman] H[arford]
8 Rogers Stephen
9 Simmons Samuel
10 Rogers John
11 Sacket Maria
12 Williams Matthew
13 Whitson Williams
14 Watts Thomas
15 Partridge Amelia

[bottom right hand margin:-]11

Page 4:
Reg[ina] V[ersus] Zephaniah Williams
1 Cartwight W[illaim] S[heward]
2 Davies John Blaina )
3 Davies W[illia]m
4 Davies John
5 Howell Will[ia]m
6 Howell Rachael
7 Hawkins Richard
8 Harris W[illia]m
9 Hawkins N. J.
10 James James
11 James Benjamin
12 James John

13 James William
14 Jones Lewis John
15 Leonard Simon
16 Lloyd Edmund
17 Lloyd Ruth
18 Lloyd George
19 Maddock Thomas
20 Parsons John
21 Pugh Richard
22 Pugh Esther
23 Phillips John (Blaina )
24 Porter Morgan

Page 5:
Zephaniah Williams
25 Raven B[aldwin] H[aven]
26 Richards Edward

27 Rogers John
28 Stockdale B[ox] J[eremiah]
29 Saunders Thomas
30 Samuel James

31 Smith Henry
32 Stockdale Joseph
33 Thomas Daniel
34 Williams Richard
35 Brown James

36 Jones John

[bottom right hand margin:-]12

Page 6:
John Lovell
1 Dyer Thomas
2 Evans Henry
3 Evans Daniel
4 Hopkins Thomas
5 Morgan Thomas
7 Maule George

9 Pembro Matthew
10 Powell W[illiam] P[arfitt]
11 Stephens Susan
12 Williams Edmund

12 Jenkins William

Page 7:
William Jones
1 Cartwight W[illia]m Sheward
2 Dorey Edward
3 Davies William
4 Davies Herbert
5 Evans William
6 Emery James
7 Evans John Holman
8 Gray Basil
9 Hopkins Edward
10 Green Benj[ami]n
11 Hodge James

12 James Morgan
13 Kidner Christopher
14 Lloyd Edmund
15 Lloyd Ruth
16 Mills Charles
17 Matthews John
18 Maggs John

19 Maddock Thomas
20 Prosser John
21 Phillips John

Page 8:
William Jones Cont[inued]
22 Parry John
23 Pugh Richard
24 Pugh Esther
25 Roussell William
26 Rogers John
27 Thomas James
28 Thomas David
29 Willis John

30 Williams Richard
31 Watkins Thomas
32 Woodward WIlliam
33 Thomas David 27 above

Page 9:
James Aust
1 Chappell Henry

2 Dallimore John
3 Evans John Holman
4 Kidner Christopher
5 Matthews John
6 Phillips John

7 Phillips William
8 Richards John

Page 10:
Samuel Etheridge
1 Adye Joseph cop[ie]d

2 Gunter Thomas cop[ie]d
3 Graham William
4 O Dwyer John cop[ie]d
5 Phelps W[illiam]. T[ruman]. H[arford]. cop[ie]d

6 Williams Walter cop[ie]d

7 Rogers Charles cop[ie]d

8 no good

9 Phillips Tho[ma]s Jones cop[ie]d

10 William Morgan cop[ie]d

Page 11:
George Turner alias Coles
1 Cartwright W[illia]m Sheward
2 Evans Daniel
3 Hopkins Thomas
4 Hignell Thomas
5 Johns William
6 Kear Henry
7 Phillips Tho[ma]s Jones
8 Scard Moses
9 Stephens John
10 Williams Samuel
11 Williams Herbert
12 Davis Margaret
13 Lewis Maria

[bottom right hand margin:-]15

Page 12:
Jenkin Morgan
1 Brickley Edward
2 Cartwright W[illia]m Sheward
3 Gibbon Frances
4 Hopkins Edward
5 Harper Maria
6 Hallen Sam[ue]l Thompson
7 Hawkins Thomas (Mayor)
8 Herring David
9 James Morgan
10 Jenkins Mary
11 Lewis John (Pillgwenlly)
12 Morgan Elizabeth
13 Phillips Tho[ma]s Jones
14 Phelps W. T. H.
15 Raven Henry Baldwin
16 Scard Moses
17 Smith Tho[ma]s Mapson
18 Sims Phineas
19 Williams W[illia]m Henry

Page 13:
Solomon Britain
1 Evans John Holman
2 Flanders Ellis
3 Jones David
4 Morgan Thomas
5 Miles Edward
6 Scard Moses
7 Watkins William
underneath the above name:- Mr Crofts' Servant

[bottom right hand margin:-]16

Page 14:
Richard Benfield
John Rees
1 Gray Basil
2 Phillips Tho[ma]s Jones
3 Ven Isaac

Page 15:
Edmund Edmunds
1 Charles Catherine
2 Charles Henry
3 Carlwright W[illia]m Sheward
4 Evans Edmund
5 Firman Israel

6 Hopkins Thomas
7 Raven H[enr]y Baldwin
8 Thomas Edmund
9 Rogers John

[bottom right hand margin:-] 17

Page 16:
[on right half of the page:-]
List of Witnesses

[centre bottom margin:-] 213

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