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Reg[ina] v[ersus] John Frost
1 Matthew Williams }
2 John Rees }
3 James Coles - }
4 Tho[ma]s Bevan Oliver }
5 James Simmonds }
6 Edw[ar]d Hopkins }
7 Tho[ma]s J. Phillips }
the following is written on the right hand side of the above names:-
All bound on Recognizance
to appear. Also
upon the back of
the Bill of Indictment

8 Barnabas Brough }
9 James Hodge }
10 Israel Furmen }
11 Richard Waters }
12 John Harford }
the following is written on the right hand side of the above names:-
Not bound in Recognizance but
upon the back of the

13 William Davies
14 Thomas Latch
15 William Harris
16 John Morgan
17 Richard Pugh
18 Esther Pugh
19 Jane Thomas
20 Edm[un]d Lloyd
21 Maria Lewis
22 David Neck
23 Job Tovey
24 Susannah Tovey
25 Thomas Watkins
26 William Adams
27 James Woolford
28 John Matthias
29 John Prosser
30 Sir Tho[ma]s Phillips Kn[igh]t
31 Lewis Edwards
32 William Brewer
33 Basil Gray
the following is written on the right hand side of the above names:-
Not bound in
Recognizance or
upon the Bill of

the following is written near bottom margin - right hand isde of the page:-
Evidence to
prove forcing
open Houses &
taking out Guns
& carrying arms

[bottom right hand margin:-] 24

Page 2:
v[ersu]s Frost cont[inue]d.

34 James Daily

35 Richard Stack

36 Morgan James

37 William Phillips

38 Walter W[illia]m Homan

39 Henry Crowe

40 David Herring

41 Edw[ar]d Brickley

42 Thomas Arthur

43 Thomas Dyer

44 W[illia]m Steward Cartwright

45 William Jenkinss

46 Saunders Tho[ma]s

47 Partridge Amelia

48 Maule George Esq[uire]

49 Rogers John

50 Rogers Stephen

written on right hand side of the above names:-
Prove loading of
Guns & Pistols
& firings in the
Road. Also


Page 3:
1 at Chartist meeting Saturday 2d Nov[ember] - saw Frost at Royal Oak, Risca &
2 Saw Frost & Jack the Fifer at County - Bella Machine leading the Mob, Frost asked where the soldiers were
& raised the mob to "March"
3 Confirmed the last witnesses evidence - saw Frost running away after the
firing -
4 A Special Constable at the Westgate during the riot
5 Saw Frost at the head of the mob at the Machine - accompanied them down to the Westgate
heard Frost fire arms at the Westgate
6. Police Officer present when Pistols were taken from Frost
7. The capture of Frost
8. Forced with the mob - released by Frost
9. Saw Frost at Coach & Horses Sunday the 3rd asked him if he was going to attack the
Workhouse - speaks of a man distributing ammun[itio]n to the Mob - Frost marshalls the mob
10 Generally as to the proceedings of the Mob - saw Frost at Royal Oak & the Park giving
11 Saw Frost in front of Westgate
12 Saw Frost between Cefn & the Welsh Oak he makes known his intentions as to Newport
13. As to the final meetings the week before the riots, the planning of the arrangements as to Newport
14 Saw Frost in front of Westgate
15 Saw Frost addressing the mob at Coach & Horses on Sunday 3 rd Nov[ember]- saw Frost at
Welsh Oak marshalling the mob
16. Saw Frost at the Welsh Oak & the Park marshalling the mob, & at the Westgate commanding
the mob to fire
17 That Frost was at his house (Coach & Horses) on Friday previous to riots
18. Confirmed the last witness -
19. Serv[an]t of Rich[ar]d Pugh confirmed his evidence -
20. That Frost, Z. Williams & Jones heldfirst meetings at Blackwood previous to

the riots
21. Saw Frost at Westgate
22. Does not attend
23 That Frost lodged at his house two days previous to the riots - of the
plans of the rioters
24 Confirming last witness
25 Forced with W. Brough by the mob & by Frost.
26. That he saw Frost returning thro the Park after the riots
27. That his house was broken into by the mob & his guns then taken
28. That he saw Frost returning thru the Park after the Riots

[bottom right hand margin:-] 25

Page 4:
29. That a mob on the Pontypool Road called at his House Sunday
30. That he was acting in his character as Mayor at the Westgate with the Soliders
31. That he was acting as a Magistrate with the Soldiers at the Poor House
32 That he was acting as a Magistrate with the Mayor at the Westgate
33 That he was commanding Officer at the Westgate -
34 That he was the Serjiant wounded at the Westgate -
35 That he was the Officer commanding at the Poor House -
36 That he saw Frost & Jones at Chartist meetings - they said they must
have the Charter by force & recommended the Mob to arm
37. That he found Evan Edwards making bullets for the Chartists
38. To the same effect.
39. That Evan Edwards told him that the Chartists had promised if he w[oul]d
make bullets for them he sh[oul]d not be fixed to go-
40 As to Pike making
41. As to the same
42 As to the same -
43 That he saw the Mob coming in ranks down Stow Hill
44 Review of 2nd List of Witnesses on Frost.
45. That he saw Frost in front of the Westgate -
46 That he saw Frost at the W[elsh] Oak - this witness has absconded -
47. The she saw Frost come into her fathers house came in on Monday Evening -
48 Review of copy Indictment Jury List etc off[ici]al list of Witnesses
49 Review of 3rd list of Witnesses
50 Capture of Frost with W[illia]m Phillips-

[top left hand margin - written horizontally:-] 170

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