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Page 1:
[top right hand margin:-] Page 20

John Frost
[the following list is on the right hand side of the above:- ]
1 Matthew Williams 'X' Recog[nizance]
6 John Rees 'X' Recog[nizance]
7 James Coles a[lia]s Farmer 'X' Recog[nizance]
8 Thomas Bevan Oliver 'X' Recog[niance]
9 Samuel Simmons 'X' Recog[nizance]
10 Edward Hopkins 'X' Recog[nizance]
12 Thomas Jones Phillips 'X' Recog[nizance].
2 Barnabus Brough
5 James Hodge
3 Israel Furmen

11 Richard Waters
4 John Harford

Cha[rle]s Walters
[the following is listed directly below the above name:-]
1 G. Williams
4 Tho[ma]s B. Oliver
3 Sam[ue]l Simmons
5 Edw[ar]d Hopkins
6 Tho[ma]s Jones Phillips
2 John Davies
John Rees
Ja[me]s Coles

[the following is listed next to Charles Waters above:-]

} Copy Witnesses
} after Frost and
} add John Davies
} & omit Oliver
} & Edward Hopkins
will speak to Waters
more particularly

John Lovell
[the following list is on the right hand side of the above:-]
1 Edmund Williams Recog[nizance]
3 Francis Morgan Recog[nizance]
2 Susan Stephens Recog[nizance]
4 Thomas Dyer Recog[nizance]
6 Mathew Pembro Recog[nizance]
5 Henry Evans Recog[nizance]
7 Dan[ie]l Evans Recog[nizance]
8 William Parfitt Powell Recog[nizance]
9 William Jenkins
Rich[ar]d Benfield } Isaac Venn
John Rees } Basil Gray

[bottom left hand margin:- two words illegible & deleted thru ]

[bottom right hand margin:-] 44

Page 2:
Geo[rge] Turner other[wis]e called
Geo[rge] Cole
the following list is on the right hand side of the above name, George Turner:-
} 3 Tho[ma]s Hopkins Recog[nizance]
} 1 Daniel Evans Recog[nizance]
5 Sam[ue]l Williams Recog[nizance]
4 Moses Scard Recog[nizance]
8 William John Recog[nizance]
6 Henry Kear Recog[nizance]
2 Herbert Williams Recog[nizance]

17 Tho[ma]s Hignell

Tho[ma]s Hignell

Zephaniah Williams
the following list is on the right hand side of the above name:-
16 Jeremiah Box Stockdale Recog[nizance]
4 John Davies Recog[nizance]

8 Edward Richards Recog[nizance]
9 Simon Leonard Recog[nizance]
10 James Samuel Recog[nizance]
11 Henry Smith
3 William Howell Recog[nizance]
5 Rich[ar]d Hawkins Recog[nizance]
15 John Nicholl Hawkins Recog[nizance]
2 James James Recog[nizance]
12 John Parsons Recog[nizance]
1 George Lloyd
on the right hand side of the above name:-
(Not before J.J. qu[er]y)
the following is listed on the right hand side of the above note:-
{ Tho[ma]s J. Phillips Recog[nizance]
Edm[un]d Evans Recog[nizance]
Rich[ar]d Howells Recog[nizance]
Henry Smith Recog[nizance]

16 Joseph Saunders
14 Thomas Saunders
7 Joseph Stockdale

Ed mund Edmunds
the following list is on the right hand side of the above:-

2 Israel Furmen
1 Catherine Charles
3 Thomas Jones Phillips
to prove Pris[one]r Statement
not before { Mary Charles
J.J. { H[enr]y Charles
{ Tho[ma]s Hopkins

Page 3:
Jenkin Morgan
1 Morgan James Recog[nizance]
2 Frances Gibbon
3 Mary Jenkins
4 John Lewis
7 Phineas Sims
5 Mapson Tho[ma]s Smith
David Herring

6 William Henry Williams
the following list of names are bracketed against the above :-
not before J.J }
Maria Harper
Moses Scard
Ja[me]s Hodge
T J Phillips
W T H Phelps
Ely Morgan
Th[oma]s Hopkins

Solomon Britan
1 William Watkins Recog[nizance]
4 Moses Scard Recog[nizance]
5 Ellis Flanders Recog[nizance]
2 David Jones Recog[nizance]
3 Edward Miles

William Jones
1 John Prosser
2 John Phillips
3 Christopher Kidner
4 John Matthews
5 Edward Dorey
7 William Evans
6 John Parry
the following list of names are bracketed against the above:-
not before J.J. }
John Willis
Edw[ar]d Hopkins
Basil Gray

James Aust
3 John Richards
4 John Dallimore
2 John Matthews
5 Christopher Kidner
1 John Phillips
7 Henry Chappell
6 William Phillips

[bottom right hand margin:-] 45

Page 4:
[this page is divided into four panels:-]

first panel - written vertically:-

John Rees
Jack al[ia]s the Fifer
4 John Rees
3 James Coles al[ia]s Farmer
1 Thomas Pritchard
2 Samuel Smith

second panel:-
List of witnesses
upon the
Bill of indictment
ag[ain]st Frost
+ others

[bottom margin:-] 183

third panel - written vertically:-
David Jones
al[ia]s David the Farmer
3 Mary Thomas
4 Mary Williams

1 John Jones
2 Joseph Taylor

fourth panel - in pencil:-
Lord Granvill Somerset

Hon[erable] M. Rossrey
T. B. Hall B[arone]t M[ember of] P[arliament]
W[illia]m Addam Williams
R. J. Blewitt Esq[uire] M[ember of Parliament
Rich[ar]d Amphlett
Jos[ep]h Bailey Esq[uire]
Fran[ce]s Chamberlain
W[illia]m Curre
P. J. Dricarroll
Jos[ep]h Davies Bedwas
John Greshome
Sam[ue]l Homfray
John Fra[nce]s Vaughan
John Jenkins
Tho[ma]s Lewis - J. Pierce
C. O. S. Morgan
Cha[rle]s Marrcott Esq[uire]
Fra[nce]s McDonnell
20 William Needham
Cha[rle]s Harrison Powell
22 G. H. Welsh Rolls

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