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Page 1:
Page 86 No.148

Newport Adye Joseph - Watchman - Samuel Etheridge - Safe
Bradgate Charles - Gate Keeper - Stow Hill - Safe
Brewer Williams - Surgeon - Safe
Brickley Edward - Blacksmith - abiding with Edmund Walker, Pill - Safe
- Private 45th regt - Safe
Coles James al-s Farmer - Blacksmith - abiding with Saml Mellon, Pill - Safe
Chappell Henry - Police Officer - abiding with Henry Griffith, Grocer - Safe
Carroll Henry - Carpenter & Beer House Keeper
Private 45th - Safe
Labourer - Rawlings -Safe
- Gate Keeper - Waterloo Gate - Safe
Daily Michael - Laborer - abiding with Patrick Daily, Laborer - Safe - Partridge
Dyes Thomas - Shop Keeper - abiding with Wm Gordon, Mason - Safe Lovell
Davies John - Carpenter - Thos Davies
- Private 45th - Safe
- Spirit Dealer - Victory - Safe
Daily James - Sergeant 45th - Safe
Evans Isaac - Clerk to T. Walters - abiding with Evan Evans - Safe
Evans Henry - Saddler - Safe
Evans Daniel - Tailor
Evans Henry - Son of Jas Evans, Pastry Cook
Evans Holman John - Attorney - abiding with TW Phelps - Safe
Edwards Lewis - Gentleman
Evans Edward - Butcher & Publican -
Flanders Ellis - Butcher - abiding with W[illia]m Lewis, Pill - Safe
- Manager of Bank - Rawlings not committed - Safe
Gray Basil - Captn 75th - abiding with Miss Griffith
Gibbon Frances - Wife - Thomas Gibbon, Pill, Laborer
Groves Charles - Painter
Hopkins Edward - Police Officer

Page 2:
Hopkins Thomas - abiding with his father Edwd Hopkins
Horne Emily - Servant Spinster abiding with John Church, Inn Keeper
Harper Maria - wife of William Harper. Pill, Sawyer
Hunt Emily - Spinster
Hawkins John Nichol - Surgeon
- Inn Keeper
Hawkins Thomas - Esq
Henry David - Blacksmith - Usk Gaol
Hignell Thomas - Hay & Cow Dealer - abiding with John Ball, Saddler.
James Jeremiah - Commission Agent
Jenkins Charles - Mason
James Morgan - Collier - sometimes abiding with his father John
James of Bedwellty, Collier.
Jones Margaret - Widow - abiding with Mary Jones, Widow
John Willm the younger - Servt to J.W. Brewer - abiding with his father Wm John
Jenkins Mary - Wife of Morgan Jenkins - Pill, Blocklayer
Jenkins John - Publican
Jenkins William - Grocer & P Clerk
Kear Henry - Accountant
Lewis John - Publican, Pill
Lewis Maria - Servant - abiding with Will[ia]m Phillips,
- Attorney at Law
Latch Thomas - Accountant - abiding with Joseph Latch, Coal Miner
- Gate Keeper -
Morgan John - Grocer
Morgan Francis - Machine Keeper, Court-y-Bella
Morgan Elizabeth - Wife of T. Morgan
Morgan Samuel - Shoemaker
- Collier
- Collier - abiding with Thos Morris

Page 3:
Morris Thomas - Land Surveyor
Miles Edward - Laborer - abiding with Edwd Hopkins, Gardener
Neck David - Confectioner
Oliver Bevan Thos - Printer - abiding with George Oliver, Stationer
O'Dwyer John - Merlin Newspaper - abiding with John Leslie, Accountant
Phillips Jones Thos - Attorney
Partridge Amelia - Spinster - abiding with John Partridge, Printer
Pembro Matthew - Publican
Powell Parfitt Willm - Surgeon - abiding with Wm Phillips, Grocer
Phelps H.T.W. - Attorney
Phillips Sir Thos Kn.t - Attorney
Parsons John - Butcher - Z. Williams
- Clerk to T.W.Phelps - abiding with David Jones, Grocer
Phillips Wm Thos - Gent - abiding with Mr. T. J. Phillips
Rees John - Laborer - abiding with Rees Rees, Pill, Shoemaker
Rogers Stephen - Grocer
- Druggist
Rogers John - Clerk to Mr Phelps.
Richards James - Plasterer
Simmons Samuel - Laborer
Stephens Susan - Widow - Publican
Scard Moses - Police Officer
Smith Mapson Thomas - Farmer - Maesglaes Farm
Smith Henry - Laborer - Williams - abiding at Newport Work House
Stack Richard - Major -45th - abiding with Wm Baker, Widower
Venn Isaac - Dealer in Marine Stores
Williams Henry - Ironmonger
Williams Heny Willm - Accountant
Williams Matthew - Quarryman - abiding at the Union Poor House
Wood Frederick - Merlin Paper - abiding with Mary Williams, Clothes Seller
Williams Edmund - Laborer - Cwrt-y-Bella
Williams Samuel - Shoemaker - abiding with George Cheeseman, Laborer
Williams Herbert - Druggist

Page 4:
[Across 2nd fold]

List of Witnesses


[Across 1st fold]

-- Shopman - abiding with Thos Hawkins Esq
- Postboy - abiding with Evan Evans, Tailor & c
Waters Richard - Attorney
Walker Thomas - Publican
Whitson William - Sawyer Walters

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