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Page 1:
George Turner alias Cole

1 William Sheward Cartwright - Proves service of addl list of

2 Daniel Evans - 2 Believes he saw the Prisr. opposite the Westgate during the firing with a Gun in his/ hand Saw him fire first at the upper Windows & then at the lower Windows of the the Westgate/ Saw him go away

3 Thomas Hopkins - 3 Saw Prisr. opposite the Westgate during the firing and afterward go down Commercl Street

4 Thomas Hignell - doubtfull as to Prisoner but upon the back of the Bill

5 William Johns - 5 Believe Prisr. was the man he saw loading his Gun opposite the Westgate/ during the firing.

6 Henry Kear - 6 Has no doubt but that the Prisr. is the man he saw returning from
the Westgate/ after the firing on theCommercial road towards the Waterloo.

7 Thomas Jones Phillips -

8 Moses Scard - 8 Swears to Prisoner with a Gun in the Mob in front of the Westgate

9 John Stevens - 9 Saw Prisoner on his return near Stricklands returning from / Newport on the mor-g of the Riots

10 Samuel Williams - 10 Believes Prisr. was the man he saw come down Stow Hill to the Westgate/ armed with the mob & Jack the fifer

11 Herbert Williams - 11 No doubt of the Prisr. from his features as I did not notice his dress Saw/ a man with woodden leg come from bottom to Stow to the Westgate with a Gun /saw him a second time after the firing go down Commercial Street/ with a Gun.

12 Margaret Davies - 12 A man with woodden leg with a Gun in front of the Westgate

13 Maria Lewis - 13 The same

Maria Davies

Wm [?] Davies / Must be Subpoend - X 9 To be seen again and Examined

Jose-h Turner[?]

[line breaks in original indicated by / ]

Page 2:
George Turner alias Coles
List of Witnesses


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